Monday, March 16, 2009

Idiot watch

What's the difference between a good lawyer and a great lawyer? A good lawyer knows the law. A great lawyer knows the judge. -Anon

This first day jury duty has my biological clock all out of whack. I wasn't called for a case and wouldn't tell you even if I did. The place seemed to be at a standstill awaiting the jury decision on whether Harlow Cuadra should die or spend the rest of his life in prison. They came up with life in prison, after the jury of eight men and four women could not reach a unanimous decision.

In another high profile case former state Sen. Vincent Fumo was found guilty of conspiring to defraud the Pennsylvania Senate a nonprofit and a museum of more than $3.5 million, and destroying e-mail evidence.

The case almost blew up because one of the jurors was a Twit.

From Capitol Ideas

Too Much Information Dept.

Reminding us that just because you can use Twitter and Facebook, doesn't necessarily mean you should -- we bring you to the ongoing corruption trial of state Sen. Vince Fumo.There, we find Fumo's defense team filing an emergency motion to halt jury deliberations after it was revealed that one juror was POSTING UPDATES about the trial on his Facebook profile.

The latest bombshell from Juror No. 5, Eric Wuest of Collegeville, Montgomery County, was this one: "STAY TUNED for a big announcement on Monday everyone!"We're guessing it now probably rhymes with "Schmistrial."

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