Friday, March 06, 2009

Luzerne County Controller

At last night's candidate forum Luzerne County GOP Vice-Chair Paul DeFabo extended a welcome to former Democratic Commissioner and Republican candidate for Controller Edddd Brominski the 5th. For some reason Brominski didn't address the crowd nor did CPA Alice Coffman. She was there gathering signatures for her nominating petitions but bugged out before the program started.

Walter Griffith noted that he lost 2 races for Wilkes-Barre City Council and some people wish that he would go away, "I will not go away" he said. He reminded us that he has spent a great deal of time being a taxpayer advocate. He pledged that he would answer his own phone if elected.


Nanda Pallisery also paid tribute to Steve Flood and thinks he was doing a good job. He said that the Controller's office has staffing problems and is a few years behind on audits. He blasted Commissioner Maryanne Petrilla's performance as Controller saying that as an attorney he knew that bills submitted by Conahan's brother-in-law Psychologist Frank Vita were not legal. He said that he would to stand up to the Commissioners.

Back mountain mortgage broker Bob Sypniewski said his experience in finance would be an asset in the job. He said that like his father who protected the city streets as a Wilkes -Barre policeman he wanted to protect the taxpayers of the county. He knows that actions are more important than words and said we need "less lip service and more listening to what the people say”.


  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    The 'committee' has ordained Pallisery in a trade deal. Isn't that right mayor Jimmy?

  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    yo walter the definition of insanity... keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. you may not want to go away, but the voters don't want YOU...

  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I was there last night. They're all pretty dull. Pallisery is the party's man. Griffith is off his nut and did want to eliminate jobs, Sypniewski is a good talker and nothing else including his business that he closed up.

    So there you go Republicans, the new hope and change is here!

  4. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I think everyone knew that Palissary was the one that the gold old boys wanted. Walter might be a great guy but when you run for two seats at the same time, it questions why. I heard Bob speak and I thought he was the only one that had passion. Say what you want I think his energy is what this party needs and not the same old shit. I dont think he closed his business. One more thing he is taking a chance and stepping forward. Hey anonymous.

  5. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I am only running for the Government Study Commission and County Controller. I feel the County deserves a "Full Time" Controller that will watch out for the entire County not just the Powerful and Politically Connected..I will be that person for the Citizens.
    Palissery is an Attorney that has spent countless hours in the Courthouse and never once attended a Commissioners meeting or Salary Board Meeting..this speaks volumes for the type of Controller he will be if he is elected. I was the one that represented the taxpayers on my own money and time for the Citizens of Luzerne County and was successful in reducing the amount of money the County wanted to borrow and I am not an Attorney. I just wish that those people that are rnning for office would donate some of their time to the cause instead of just at election time.

    Walter Griffith Jr
    Candidate for County Controller

  6. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Hey, where was Terry, our fearless leader? Out making more deals with the Dems, me thinks.
    Oh Bob Syp is still in business just for your info anon. #3.

  7. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Oh thats right Gene, you're one of his Amway guys

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    i find it interesting that the R's wont allow judge candidates speak at their "meet the candidates" night. judges as we know can cross file, it isn't suppose to be about political affiliation.
    but more importantly, the R's only have one horse in a three horse race!!!! and they say the Republican party is alive and strong in Luzerne County....

    I don't see it!

  9. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Absolutely nothing has changed with the R's. No one is going to win without Pat Solano & Co. as usual.
    The executive committee will finally put what's left of the party to rest.

    D's will win as usual.

  10. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I think it's ridiculous that Terry and most of the other people he appointed by him to the executive committee weren't there. As the chairman of the committee couldn't he have picked a night he didin't have another obilgation and for his entire entourage to skip out too is a bit suspicious. Mingling with the committeepeople and average voters must not be a high priority on their list. They must not realize that the committepeople and average voters are the ones that come out and make phone calls, go door to door and other election work that needs to get done.

  11. Whoever Casey & Co. endorse will NEVER, EVER get my vote. I'd vote dem before I'd vote for a RINO.

    Casey - this is an absolute fraud, and everyone sees through it.

    You know full well that the intent is to mean, "endorse" Nanda. I'm a regular fixture in the Luzerne County GOP. If you continue on wiht your christening scam, I will work for the Dem. No questions asked.

  12. Anonymous10:27 PM

    R's only have one anointed and two dorks in this race. Gonna be a dem again for sure
