Thursday, March 05, 2009

Meet the Candidates event tonight in Wilkes-Barre

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta will be in town tonight to fire up the troops at the dog and pony show for the Republican Row Office candidates event at 7 p.m. today at Luzerne County Republican Headquarters, 25 Public Square in Wilkes-Barre.
We should be hearing from candidates for the hot races for Controller and Prothonotary and maybe the other ones like that critical office of Jury Commissioner. I'll bet that a few cross dressing, er filed, judicial candidates will make an appearance.
I'll be there and rumor has that just about the the whole Northeast Blogging Council will be in attendance. In the spirit of bipartisanship I have suggested that we should adjourn to Skrep's bar, Big Ugly's, afterward. Maybe a room temperature Tab can be had there.


  1. Skrep's bar??????? Sorry, can't see myself going there.

  2. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Gort This past Tue Night in nanticoke, I heard the candiates speak. There were Walter and Carolee for the prothonotary, Atty Palissary and Bob Sipnewzski for controller and a city of people for judge. The event was crowed. What I heard that night was we need the same old politics. Blame and restore. I don't know if they were talking about restoring the steps to the courhouse. I dont know. For the most part I thought there would have been more excitement. The young guy running for controller did have some power in his speech. Frankly did not know he was running. I think his name was Bob Sipnezwski or something like that. I will be there tonight.

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Sypniewski is a no starter. All show and no go. He ran James May's campaign which was a dismal failure. In the right hands May would have run. This guy is about as incompetent as they come. So what does he have going for him?

  4. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Hey I saw Sypniewski tonight and I thought just the opposite. He brings what the party needs. May didn't lose because of sypniewski, he lost because it was politics as usual.

  5. Anonymous11:07 PM

    HEy Gort I saw you there. What was your thoughts on the new direction with the republican party. I found it odd that the head leader Terry Casey was not there. Wouldn't you think he would have made sure that his work schedule would permit him to attend or were they in the back room making deals. Let me know!

  6. Terri,

    I didn't see any of the heavy hitters at the meeting. I don't know about any backroom deals because the place didn't have a back room.

  7. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Nothing for Rusty or Hal to drink there!
