Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who's running for what?- Jury Commissioner

Our next Jury Commissioners have been decided since there is one from each party and only one candidate has filed on each side. Long time host of almost every Democratic fundraiser ("because he had the best prices") for years at the Carriage Stop Inn, Jerry Bonner, is the only Dem to file for the office. The Carriage Stop burned down a few years ago after closing early on St. Patrick's Day. Jerry recently had a $100 a pop fundraiser to fund his reelection bid, no word on the turnout. The lone Republican is Frank Semanski.

Congratulations gentleman on your impending reelection. Why we need a Jury Commissioner is another question and that will hopefully be rectified by the new Home Rule charter.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Yep, the Home Rule Charter is going to fix everything. I understand they plan to import public officials to run the county. I'm so excited, I can hardly hold my water.
