Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Home Rule news

The third of the weekly Home Rule forums will be held tonight, April 8th, at 7:00 PM in the Kingston Municipal Building.
This event is free and open to the public. If you have any questions about Home Rule or would like to meet the Government Study Commission (GSC) candidates this is your chance.

There is now an online voters guide with information about most of the GSC candidates.

Candidates who have submitted information for the Voter’s Guide:

Ray Gustave, Swoyersville

Frank Sindaco, Wilkes-Barre

Edward Transue, Dallas

Darlene Duggins, Wilkes-Barre

Rick Morelli, Sugarloaf Township

Walter Griffith Jr., Wilkes-Barre

Charmaine H. Maynard, Sugarloaf Township

James Thomas Gaughan, Courtdale

Paul P. Krombel, Conyngham Township

Christopher C.J. Kersey, Kingston

Phillip Struzzeri, Jenkins Township

Veronica Ciaruffoli, Larksville

Frank E.P. Conyngham, Kingston Township

Jeffrey Niemiec, Wilkes-Barre

Candidates who have NOT submitted information the our Voter’s Guide:

Jim Haggerty, Kingston John Adonizio, Hughestown Richard “Kick” Heffron, Dallas Jack Schumacher, Kingston Robert Whammer Wanyo, Forty Fort Joe Wizda, Freeland


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    I just saw a Walter Griffith political sign. For exactly which office is he running? The sign didn't say.

  2. Anonymous9:49 PM

    County Controller is the Office Walter is running for along with the ffice for Government Study Commission, the signs were his old ones that he is using up and the new ones will be out soon with the office listed on them...but the name is whats important to remember because he is a true taxpayer advocate..when it wasnt popular and still is today..Walter represented the taxpayers when he wasnt running for office an will continue to be a taxpayer advocate when he is elected tot he Controller's Office in November.
