Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Luzerne County scandal

No, not the Jim Height thing. I'll get to that when my intertubes mimeograph machine comes home from the hospital. A friend let me use his computer tonight to address the rampant speculation surrounding the Bucks for Bloggers controversy.

Local bloggers target of FBI probe

I have been flooded for requests for comment since this story broke a few days ago and got picked up by other news outlets.

FBI investigating PA Bloggers

Against the advice of my attorneys I will admit to one weekend stay at a hunting cabin on a swamp near Noxen owned by a Luzerne County elected official and that Saturday I was taken for a ride in a rowboat by a prominent local attorney. I think the boat's name was Rigged Jury. We were doing some fishing and he advised me that saying a Hail Mary would help me catch a few carp. To the best of my knowledge I have not received a target letter but I haven't checked the mail since last week. Any other inquiries about the Cash For Comments allegations should be made to the law firm listed below.


  1. I know I don't have to worry about that. lol

  2. The Three Stooges9:59 AM

    Even we know that this story is a load of BS: NYUK NYUK NYUK!

  3. Anonymous1:14 PM

    so u have been gone for days and this is all u got?

  4. Is this for real??? Who is it?

  5. Anonymous11:54 PM

    ur ban sk i ?

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Steve Urbanski from Kingston is ONE VOTE COUNT Blogger and has a suspension of his ability to practice law due to a suspension from the PA State Supreme Court. This is the same guy that just slammed Mike Blazick for attorney contributions. maybe he will need bail money and is jealous.

  7. Anonymous1:22 PM

    PA Attorney Information
    Stephen K. Urbanski
    PA Attorney ID: 54032
    Current Status: Suspended
    Date of Admission: 12/09/1988
    Other Organization:
    District: 3
    County: Luzerne
    Public Access Address 82 Third Avenue
    Kingston, PA 18704
    Tel: 570 417-1179
    Fax: -
    Discipline: History

  8. Tory from Plains1:44 PM

    So Walter Griffith is at it again attacking the messenger. When some says something he doesnt like, he becomes the bully. This man is not fit to serve in any office. What's his point? Does it matter who told us about his prostitution arrest? What's he gonna do if elected and some citizen criticizes him? Stalk him like he threatened to do to Norton?

  9. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Walter has some serious problems. I can't beleive the juvenile way in which he has responded to the blog entries about his hiring a prostitute. He was out for a good time, admit it. Now he can't stand the fact that he's been exposed and is threatening the blogger??? WTF? This guy wants to hold public office? I hope he gets arrested again. Everyone will see what he's really like. Whoremonger.

  10. Hank from Hanover1:56 PM

    Walter, keep your trap shut. You're making the story a big deal again, you moron. Well, maybe it's a good thing. Hopefully more people will hear about what happened with you and that prostitute whore and see that you are not fit to be dog catcher.
    You really are stupid aren't you? The blogger has nothing to lose. You do. Keep it up.

  11. Formerly Undecided Voter3:36 PM


    So you get arrested for patronizing a prostitute, a blogger tells the public, and the blogger is the bad guy. What color is the sky in your twisted world?

  12. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Thanks for the information Walter. I just checked out onevotecounts. Those emails to the blogger you wrote were very mature ---NOT. At least if you get elected controller you can get some decent health coverage and get the mental health treatment you so desperately need. If the guys in the white coats show up at your door, don't be surprised.

  13. Walter, was that really you? Walter griffith jr.? the man running for 4 offices in luzerne county inlcudig controller? smooth move ex-lax. now we know more about you. thanks

  14. Joe from Hazleton4:38 PM


    If I were you, I'd fire my campaign manager. You took a minor negative going nowhere story and dragged it out for over a week. Why don't you just take out an ad in the newspaper trying to explain the difference between getting a summary citation for patronizing a prostitute and getting a criminal citation for patronizing a prostitute. Let the voters decide the difference. I'm sure they will understand the subtleties.

  15. Parrot in the Window5:04 PM

    Hey ..... Walter ..... you know.

  16. Ben B.5:10 PM

    So if Woodward and Berstein had some problems in their personal lives, we should have given Nixon a pass on Watergate. This is all a smoke screen to hide the fact that Griffith was cited for patronizng a prostitute.

  17. Anonymous12:00 AM

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  18. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Walter's response is what cost him my vote. He doesn't have a thick enough skin, nor enough control over his emotions for a life in politics. I removed all of his signs from my properties.... Maybe some day in the future when he gains control of his emotions.

  19. Get a new goddam computer, GORT! Run out to Worst Buy, I want to know more about this!

    You cheapskate!

