Saturday, May 02, 2009

Luzerne County Controller

I'm a bit behind on the coverage of this race.

The Leauge of Women Voters had a forum with all the candidates for Luzerne County Controller at Wilkes University on Tuesday. Finding the room it was being held was like trying to navigate a maze and once in there the HVAC system was making a loud humming sound that made it hard to hear what was going on.

The candidates are Bob Morgan, the only Democrat; and Republicans Bob Sypniewski, Alice Coffman, Nanda Palissery, Edd Brominski and Walter Griffith

I'm not going to do the play by play because other media outlets covered it already.


CV County controller candidates vow to fight cronyism

TL Controller candidates vow to be watchdog

OVC has the best write up of the event Controller Debate

The highlight of the night was Bob Sypniwski saying there was too many attorneys in the courthouse and didn't want a lawyer running the Controller's office because they are part of the "good ole boys network." When Nanda got his turn he stood up and asked with open arms

" Do I look like I'm one of the good ole boys."

It brought the down the house, all 30 of us.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Look, Nanda Palissery might be a nice guy and a hard worker at his chosen profession for all I know, but one only needs to look at Bob Reilly selling cars on a Friday morning in Wilkes-Barre Twp to know that residents of LuzCo need to elect new row officers who will show up for work... at the courthouse. Throw in a little more common sense, and choosing anyone BUT a lawyer seems like a good idea as well.

    Recap: NO MORE LAWYERS. CANDIDATE MUST COMMIT TO BEING IN THE OFFICE. I am pretty sure that rules out Nanda Palissery (lawyer, can't commit to showing up for work because of other professional commitments) and Alice B Coffman (who can't commit to showing up for work because of other professional commitments).

  2. Terri W-B12:30 PM

    I was there an at no point did Sypniewski state that Nanda was corrupt. I even asked Sypniewski after this was over are you trying to state that Nanda is corrupt. He said NO. Stop this negagtive blogging.

  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I am a hardcore GOper and i liek bob morgan(he would be a republican if he did nto live in Luzerne county)

  4. Every candidate running seems to claim that the are the most honest and have the most integrity. I think we can all agree that what we need in this courthouse is not only someone who posesses those attributes, but also someone who will stand up for what's right even if it goes against the current, and may ruffles some feathers. I heard Sypniewski the other night, and have seen him on other occasions. I believe he is the only one that will stand up against corruption, and not worry about who he's "offending" in the process. People may be upset about some of the things he said about all the lawyers in the courthouse, but I think we all know there are too many back door deals with some of them there.

  5. dave from dallas10:37 PM

    tom, did you read sypniewski's interview on gort42? he said he knew of corruption and said nothing for fear he'd lose his job on the assessment board. what the heck are you talking about?

  6. Anonymous11:31 PM

    As a republican, I really love the know-nothing repubs (Sypniewski and his followers) bashing lawyers. Anybody remeber a republican lawyer named Lincoln?
