Monday, May 18, 2009

The year of the woman

I don't know how many people have told me that they are tired of the old boys network and will be voting for female candidates this election just because they are women. That bodes well for Judge candidates Tina Gartley, Jennifer Rogers and Molly Hannon. In the Prothonotary race Carolee Medico-O will be looking at a good night. She might face off against Democrat Nancy Bellas in the fall. Alice Coffman just may benefit from this sentiment in the GOP Controller's contest and surprise everybody.

Helen Reddy I Am Woman

Melinda Doolittle - I'm A Woman

SmoJoe's Cafe - I'm a Woman key


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    please not carolee medico again!!! anything but that....

  2. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Tina, Jen and Alice have locked up the middle age boner vote.

  3. forrest gump9:52 AM

    I have to tell you, I met Jennifer Rogers this past weekend. She is HOT!!!! I don't care who you are. Too tall for me though. I can't vote for somebody I wouldn't mind jumping in bed with. My pick for judge: Tony Lumbis. If he can do what he says about our foster care program that bodes well for all.

  4. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA9:58 AM

    So, the fine people of Luzerne County are going to vote for judicial candidates simply because they are women and not men. If this proves to be truth, one need not search very far to be enlightened as to why the county is in it's present mess. It has often been said that people get the government they vote for and that government is a reflection of the peoples intelligence. How intelligent are the people of Luzerne County if once again judges are selected on gender/personality/connections rather than their knowledge of the law??? Students, Luzerne County government will not change until Luzerne County's people change--and become more enlightened by picking up a book as opposed to the remote control. Class dismissed.

  5. forrest gump12:08 PM

    I've got news for you Professor Cleaver, you don't even have to have a law background to become a Judge in the Common Pleas Court. Check it out. IT IS NOT A REQUIREMENT!!!!! Little known fact. The only school of higher learning you ever attended was "the school of hard knocks". No degree required.

  6. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA12:35 PM

    Forrest, young man, I did not imply that you needed a law degree to hold the position. I merely stated that the people of our county need to instill a little more time and effort in choosing who should acquire such an important position as Judge. One does not need a license to be a handyman, but I am certain that if a person needed one for plumbing, electrical, etc, that he would choose one who was licensed. I will concede that as far as this year's choices are concerned, that "the judicial election is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." Let us pray we get a few good ones. Class dismissed.

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    who cares about qualifications. went for the hot bod and the smoldering eyes under the librarian glasses. figure wtf just as good as any other way of deciding who should be judge

  8. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA2:21 PM

    RE: Anon: Are you possibly one of my students? The one who sits eighth seat/second row?? IF so, I assume you'll be spending your summer increasing Samuel Adams' stock quotient. You truly are a reflection of Luzerne County, young man. Congratulations.

  9. Anonymous3:44 PM

    i agree with anon 107pm, besides if we are gonna get screwed, you get the pic
