Friday, June 05, 2009

Home Rule on the way

The Home Rule question was overwhelmingly approved by the voters of Luzerne County in last month's primary election and we elected 11 people to serve on the Government Study Commission to come up with a better way of doing things. Kudos to PJ Best and the team at Luzerne Home Rule that convinced the Commissioners to put it on the ballot and campaigned to get the voters to approve the question.
The GSC members are; Jim Haggerty, Walter Griffith Jr., John Adonizio, Veronica Ciaruffoli, Frank E. P. Conyngham, Jack Schumacher, Rick Morelli, Richard “Kick” Heffron, Robert “WhammerWanyo, Christopher “C. J.” Kersey, Charmaine Maynard (pictured above)
Now the hard work begins after Luzerne County President Judge Chet Muroski swore them in.
They have nine months to decide if a change of Government is needed then another nine months to come up with a Charter. I think the first part should take about 10 minutes and the last commission came up with a pretty good plan that could just be tweaked a bit. A new charter must be completed 13 weeks before an election so the earliest we can expect a new form of government to vote on is probably next May or November.


  1. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA7:29 AM

    For anyone whom truly believes that this fiasco of a committtee will devise a workable alternative to current county government, well, I have an island in Manhattan that I would like to sell to you. Seriously, students, committees formed for this type of purpose are usually comprised of at least two or three "ringers" whose intent is to put a monkey wrench on progressing ahead. To all the little children with stars of reform in their eyes, enjoy this moment, much the way the "slacker" college student enjoys graduation night. As I have told many of those students, morning will soon come---hangover and all; and then reality sets in. Class dismissed.

  2. So who do you think are the ringers Professor?

  3. Professor:

    You obviously don't know Jim Haggerty.....

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Two or three "ringers" do not make up a majority.
