Monday, June 22, 2009

PA's top hired guns has ranked Pennsylvania's Top 10 Political Consultants and our own local Guru made the list.

8. Ed Mitchell (D)
One of the Pennsylvania’s most effective political spokesman, Mitchell has guided some of the state’s most embattled Democrats through reelection. He works for both Congressman Paul Kanjorski (D-11) and Congressman John Murtha (D-12), both of whom have found themselves the favored targets of Republicans over the years. Kanjorski, in particular, was widely expected to lose last year. And while coverage of Kanjorski is rarely glowing these days, Mitchell can chew out a reporter on the phone as well as anyone. Yours truly would know.

Dan admits that it is an inexact science to rank who are top guns and is threatening to name the best-dressed political consultants tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    didn't kanjo hire someone from out of town in his last run against barletta?

  2. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I was surprised that Mike Long was not on the list but he is in a big losing streak. Sometimes Mike wins and the people of Pa lose and thank goodness Mike lost big and the people got a little back.
    Mike Long plays hardball even when there is no sane reason. I remember when Long and Pete Zug used Robert C. Jubelirer's Senate staff and probably state funds to charter fake Young Republican Chapters to steal a State YR Race. Like really? What sort of wacko uses a State senators office to fraudulently alter the outcome of something as silly and meaningless as a State YR race.
    Stan Bobachinefski
