Thursday, June 25, 2009

The President on health care

The hysteria about the the Fairness Doctrine being reimposed by the Government that makes the Dittoheads grab their guns was somehow forgotten when the same people demand that ABC include opposing views when the network had the President answer questions about his health care plan.


Watch the video


  1. Consistency is not always a strong point in that corner of the world; remember that this crew cheered whenever "el Rushbo" would call for drug abusers to go to jail, but yet turned wildly sympathetic when their Svengali turned out to be a hillbilly heroin addict.

  2. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA7:36 AM

    When considering an overhaul of the health care system of the United States, I would believe that it be important that all sides of the issue be heard. One cannot and more importantly, should not push such monumental (and reckless) legislation through the congress without any oversight. I understand that the young people wish to have Uncle Sam foot the doctor bills for their personal reckless behavior. They want socialized medicine, and yet the most successful culinary establishments are McDonalds and Burger King. In short, students; you abuse your bodies with fatty foods, drink bargain basement alcohol, take every pill known to mankind (while you chastize the very pharmaceutical companies that provide you with those pills) and then, when your body breaks down and you become ill, you want ME to pay for it????
    Seriously, the health crisis in this nation is NOT, repeat, NOT the fault of the medical establishment, but of the populace itself.
    Let me solve this entire issue in a nutshell.
    Stop smoking cigarettes, eating red meat to the point it is seeping from your pores; take a run on the treadmill or outdoors after awakening in the morning, eat steamed vegetables, chicken, and perhaps have a glass of cherie with your healthy dinner. Pipe smoking can be a safer alternate to chain smoking Marlboros (cherry tobacco is recommended). Stay away from pastries of any kind (though one may partake once in a while, as moderation is the key to any success).
    Students, if you in fact follow this mode, then there will be no more health care crisis, our doctors will not have to worry about having big brother telling them that all of their years of study for a more fruitful life were for naught as they will not be working for the same salary as a garbageman (as Mr. Obama wishes).
    Indeed, of all of our President's proposals, I do not worry about his having any success on the health care front. Many Presidents in the past have attempted to lure the people into this web of deceit, but alas, I have great faith in the more mature of our citizenry to step up to the plate and put this silly health care reform proposal back on the shelf of fairy tales, which is exactly where it belongs. Class dismissed.

  3. Anonymous8:03 AM

    on fairness there is a huge difference between entertainment and news programing.

  4. Anonymous10:39 AM

    medical errors are one of the top 5 leading causes of death in the U.S. 40 million new people insured on an overburdened system. I am sure that stat will become #1.
    How many will now seek care that may not have needed it only to die because of a mistake.

  5. The Much Maligned Anonymous Poster10:40 AM

    medical errors are one of the top 5 leading causes of death in the U.S. 40 million new people insured on an overburdened system. I am sure that stat will become #1.
    How many will now seek care that may not have needed it only to die because of a mistake.
    Then who do we blame and what do we do?

  6. Now you have to watch a f*cking commercial before the video. Don't you LOVE that?
