Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mayor Jim on the mend


Thank you for your kind words regarding my recent hospitalization. By way of update, I was released from the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital shortly after noon on Monday. I had been taken by ambulance the prior Tuesday morning, and I was the subject of a bypass operation later that morning. Six bypasses later, I began the recovery process. I am quite glad to be home.

My most sincere thanks go to the professionals of the Kingston/Forty Fort Fire Department for all they were able to do for me on Tuesday morning. Also, I cannot thank enough the men and women of the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital for the first-rate and compassionate care they provided. They were tremendous.

Thank you as well to the hundreds of people who sent well wishes with calls, notes, cards, text messages, facebook postings, and gifts. Every one certainly meant a lot.

I'm looking forward to a complete and successful rehab and being back on the job as soon as possible.

Again, many thanks to all.

Jim Haggerty

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