Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sarah Palin resigns

I know I'm few days late to this story but it was a great weekend and the only TV I watched was baseball.

Like most people I'm still scratching my head about her decision to just walk away from her responsibilities. Last week's article in Vanity Fair, It Came from Wasilla, started another round of recriminations over the McCain campaign. Palin Story Sparks GOP Family Feud. Then she drops the resignation bombshell in a nonsensical, rambling word salad press conference that will be remembered for her reference to dead fish going with the flow. Most people think that this is the end of her Presidential ambitions although some think the old rules don't apply. My favorite Palinololgists are amateur obstetrician Andrew Sullivan and T,J &P and even they can't figure out what the hell is going on with her. The most plausible reasons for her resignation is that she wants to cash in on her fame or there is some scandal lurking around the corner. I'll bet on the money option as she could easily become even more outrageous than Ann Coulter and rake in the bucks. But the scandals could be out there and her lawyer is threatening to sue anyone that would even suggest such a thing.

But JudiPhilly got to the bottom of it:

She used a bunch of sports metaphors in her press conference. To keep with that all I can say is she is as wierd as a football bat.


  1. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA1:12 PM

    It is quite obvious that Miss Palin is in the beginnings of a Presidential campaign. I applaud her for her tenacious decision to leave the Governor's seat in order to concentrate on spending time in the lower 48. Of course, becoming President requires making money and Sarah will have no problem accomplishing this feat. Many of the young people had mocked her most gracious speech the other day, but this is fine as these young people will continue to be living off of their parents well into their 30's and will learn the harsh lessons of adulthood and idol worship. Please understand, students, Miss Palin is not seeking the Presidency to be somebody ala Mr. Obama, but she is seeking it to DO something as Ronald Reagan and GW Bush before her. I am proud that in my lifetime i shall live to see the first female President, even if it upsets a lot of the younger slackers who warm seats in my classes. Class dismissed.

  2. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Gov. Rendell asks Fumo judge to weigh good, bad slime ball

  3. My personal take is: I think she's through with politics. She's going to make as much $$$ as she can, now that she's not in politics. As far as being a politician, she wastes too much time complaining about the media. She's got to ignore media criticism, and she has a track record of not being able to do that. Before this media threat by her, there was Letterman, Katie Couric, and on and on and on...

    One thing I admire about Hillary, she always let's media criticism roll off her back. Rush Limbaugh spent the better part of a decade demonizing Hillary. Palin had less than a year of media criticism, and a lot of it wasn't criticism (it was just interviews), and she folded.

    Hillary's tougher than Palin. I don't know how Palin gets this reputation of being "tough".

  4. She has a long way to go to catch Daschle - http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0109/18237.html

    or Rham Emanuel - http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/politics/obama/chi-rahm-emanuel-profit-26-mar26,0,5682373.story

    As for media bias, I ask this - "How many average people ever heard of the fortunes collected by the aforementioned Democrats?" & "How many people have already been informed of Sarah Palin's supposed greed motive for stepping down as Governor?"

    Libs hate her because she is so.... arg! conservative AND popular with regular Americans.

    Cue the ad hominem attacks...

  5. What is a regular American?

  6. Rasmussen calls them "Mainstream America" http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/56_don_t_want_to_pay_more_to_fight_global_warming

    "Time makes more converts than reason" Thomas Paine in Common Sense

  7. That still doesn't answer the question. What is a real American? Because I strongly dislike her, am I any less real? Am I any less mainstream?

    A USA Today/Gallup poll shows that amongst Republicans she gets 70% support.

    But that number drops significantly, amongst Independents (34%) and Democrats (17%).

    But I guess if you ask someone like Palin, those people are not real Americans.

  8. David Madiera: Wanna talk about media bias? Look at this video and then ask yourself why this wasn't broadcast 24x7 like Rev. Wright:

    Sarah Palin's radical church

    Why did the media ignore Sarah Palin's radical church, in which Sarah Palin herself is in the videos with a "witchdoctor", and demonize Rev. Wright 24x7 in which Obama wasn't even in the videos?

    Sarah Palin is an unqualified radical well out of the mainstream

  9. That's a HUGE break Palin got from the media, that they demonized Rev. Wright 24x7 for weeks, and IGNORED Sarah Palins ULTRA-RADICAL CHURCH!

  10. THEN...Palin and the rightwing media said Katie Couric "picked on her"...simply for asking Palin questions! In which she herself made a FOOL out of herself answering!

    Palin's backers basically wanted the media NOT to dig into any of her background, like the are supposed to, to INFORM us of this unknown candidate...and then when the media did their job, Palin and her backers claimed the "media was picking on her" and "media bias"...BULLSHIT!

    Name specifics of media bias and the media picking on her.

    I just gave you a HUMUNGOUS specific break she got from the "biased media" on their coverage of Rev. Wright vs. Palin's REALLY radical church.

    These claims by Palin and all her followers are pure bullshit.

  11. I'm a "regular American", btw...


    Rasmussens polls are biased towards the right wing.
