Monday, July 27, 2009

Wil Toole for Controller

CV: Wil Toole, a former Pittston City official, is planning to run as an independent candidate for county controller. Toole said he plans to file his nomination papers as an independent candidate by the end of July. If he gets enough signatures to appear on the ballot, he will join Republican nominee Walter L. Griffith Jr. and Democratic candidate Bob Morgan on the November ballot.

Toole flirted with a run for the Democratic nomination in the spring and applied for the job in 2008 when Maryanne Petrilla became Commissioner. Rapid Edward never got around to filling the post. He was spotted at a Pittston Area School Board meeting in April circulating petitions and has a LTE in the Voice offering suggestions to improve county government.

Put controller on several county boards

At the end of July, I plan to file my nomination papers as an independent candidate for the office of county controller and it is issues such as these that have promoted me to leave retirement and take an active role in county government. I have attended many meetings of the county commissioners as well at the retirement board and during these meetings, I have offered several suggestions to help resolve various fiscal and procedural problems and neither my appearance nor suggestions have ever been mentioned in reports of the meetings. Again, I find this lack of coverage very disheartening. How can I muster public support for these suggestions when no coverage is afforded my efforts? has an archive of his recent activities. If he makes the ballot it is not good news for Bob Morgan having a longtime Democrat from Pittston in the race.

So far Walter Griffith is the only candidate with a website up.

Update: The Yonk informs us that Wil Toole also has a website.


  1. Any relation to Judge Toole.

  2. Anonymous7:50 PM

    this toole guy the same guy that has ties to Court administrator and power broker in the courthouse, Paul McGarry and also the same guy that has been in the pocket of powerful democrats for years. Just what we need more people that are part of the system to get in powerful positions in the courthouse.

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    When Wil "retired" as Pittston City Clerk, he wound up getting a pension the size of his last year's annual salary. He did that by claiming he had tons of vacation days saved up and sold them back. How that is, I'm not sure cause nary a day went by that he wasn't seen at the Grammercy more than he was at City Hall.

    Not a bad deal if you can get it.

    Yes, he and Paul M have connections as McGarry used to do that job before Wil had it, but not sure how close they are nowadays.
