Sunday, August 23, 2009

2010 Senate race

Pat Toomey was in town on Friday which was a surprise to me and many of my Republican friends. He talked with Bill O'Boyle of the Times-Leader and decried "the lurch to the left” of the federal government. His solution to the health care crises is tort reform. He also continued to hammer Senator Arlen Specter (PA-D,R,?, plaid) He said he decided long ago that he would challenge Specter – then a Republican – in the 2010 primary. “Then a poll came out and Specter decided to switch parties,” Toomey said. “I think voters are fed up with the political opportunism of Arlen Specter.”

The polls are all over the place in this race which is to be expected this early in the contest but Specter's reelect number is not good.

In an interesting twist Toomey has agreed to meet with Democratic Senate candidate Joe Sestak to hold a joint town hall on health care in Toomey's home town of Allentown. Afterward he wants to go drinking, "I'm happy to welcome Joe to the great city of Allentown and I'd extend to him an invitation to share a beer with me at one of our fine local establishments after the town hall meeting." I would like to be part of that, I'd buy them both a Yuengling. I think the country needs more beer summits.

I don't know if Republican Senate candidate Peg Lusik drinks beer but her campaign is doing a good job of keeping bloggers updated.

Where’s the Bill?

She is touring the state and when she makes it to Luzerne County I hope to talk with her and give you a report.


  1. Mean Old Man6:06 AM

    It warms my heart that we have fine young men like Mr. Toomey in politics today---a real man who drinks beer; not like the leftist Specter who drinks elitist champagne. Pat is a real man of the people who knows how to shoot straight and it will be a great day in Washington in 2011 to see him take the oath two years ahead of our Sainted Sen. and Future President Rick Santorum!!! The only good thing about this commie rag that I read everyday is that the owner/publisher of it is supporting the leftist Sestak for the Dem nod!!! Sorry I couldnt make your Politburo gathering, but I had to join my buddies Gummo and Creep for an important VFW meeting. When it comes to choosing between drinking with a group of rough n' ready Vets or a group of subversives who want to involve government in my life by taking away my Medicare and Social Security, that's a no brainer!!! I hate you all!!!!
