Monday, August 24, 2009

Let's go to trial

A few years ago I was in the jury pool for a murder case. I forget if it was the prosecution or the defense that asked me what I thought about the death penalty. My reply almost got me a contempt citation. For the most part I oppose it because I don't think the government should be killing people no matter what they did and the administration of it is a nightmare. The one exception that I favor the death penalty is a case of a elected public official (such as a judge) using his/her office to enrich themselves. That bastard should be strung up in the Public Square after due process of course.

Ciavarella, Conahan withdraw guilty pleas

UPDATE: Conahan/Ciavarella file motions to withdraw guilty pleas

The Judge still doesn't buy it.

I want a trial!

Honest Service Fraud and tax evasion are minimum charges. They can pile on a lot more.

Help me out lawyers. Does the Us Attorney have to go back to the Grand Jury to get more charges?


  1. Pile on the charges and let's have a public trial and let the chips fall where they may. I don't think we are getting at the truth in this scandal.

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I think they found a lot more plus what were they going to be charge with before the plea RICO and bring the wives in it no more games

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Grand Jury setting wont be that hard there has to be some good stuff being flushed out these low lifes are dirty

  4. What's the over/under on how much time they actually get?

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    15/25 My guess

  6. I'm getting this sinking feeling, that they're not going to get their just deserves. Why do I have this feeling? I hope I'm wrong. It's just a gut feeling. The longer it goes on, the more I have this feeling. The more this "dog and pony" show goes on...just throw them in the f*cking slammer already!!!

  7. When all this back and forth, pleas, rejecting them, rescinding things, etc, started happening, I started getting this sinking feeling...I think the more this happens, it seems like a show or circus going on. Watch the "slight of hand" during the "show". The final result is all that counts. There's something funny going on here, I hope I'm wrong. These guys continue to be arrogant, as if they know something we don't know. That doesn't make sense, how arrogant these guy STILL are, it's off the charts!!!

  8. What exactly did you say that came close to contempt of court? What you described shouldn't have done it.
