Friday, August 07, 2009

Skrep's Dad

I make a point of leaving out the family members of public figures on this blog but Democratic Luzerne County Commissioner Greg Skrenak's father is in the news. He testified Tuesday before a federal grand jury and we can only guess what he was asked about because grand jury proceedings are secret.
Skrep says that he has no idea why his dad was called to testify and won't ask him. Greg, Sr. is the owner of Big Ugly's bar in Wilkes-Barre and his son claims that he is rarely there.
Federal authorities have also requested copies of Luzerne County commissioner meeting minutes from 2004 through 2007 – the years of Skrepenak’s first term in office.
During that time Skrep and the other Bond Brother Todd Vonderheid approved a 20 year lease for $58 million with PA Child Care owned by Robert Powell and Greg Zappala after declaring an emergency when Juvie Brother Michael Conahan closed the county lock up on River Street in W-B. Powell has since plead guilty to paying bribes to former Judges Conahan and Mark Ciavarella.


  1. It's like an Arkansas town hall meeting in Luzerne County...everyone is somehow related. Then again we are talking about a County Commissioner who listed as his chief job qualification "football player".

  2. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Who's that in the picture?

  3. I don't believe he has "no idea" why his father testified. That's not believable. No way do I believe that.

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    that pic is skrep before he became a fat slob
