Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Town Hall meeting Friday

Michael Rennie, the unofficial Social Secretary of the Northeast Blogging Council has announced that his organization has teamed with the Saturday OT Committee and Operatic Society to sponsor our version of a town hall meeting this Friday on the deck at Dan's Keystone Grill, 162 Union St., Plains, PA 18702 Phone: 570-820-0411 (map it) starting at 5PM.

Candidates for office in the upcoming election, bloggers, commenter's and local media have been invited. If you didn't receive an invitation your are still welcome.

As usual our main purpose will be to address the financial crises by infusing cash into the malt beverage industry to ensure it's liquidity. A quick check of the agenda reveals that there isn't one but we usually cover local politics, baseball, old movies and whatever comes to mind.

Hope to see you there.


  1. Mean Old Man10:20 AM

    Don't hold your breath on hoping I'll show up. But I told my buddies Gummo and Creep and they may just show up to teach you clowns about real patriotism; although they are well into their 80's, I bet they could kick your leftist asses right back into the stone age!!!

  2. That Mapquest link is trying to send me to "Dan." Maybe I should must map it myself...


  4. I fixed the link.

  5. I am going to try to make it. The question is, do I need to be armed? lol

  6. The Fisherman from Gorton9:58 AM

    Better bring a raincoat; the weather's going to be wicked on that deck!!!

  7. I met Zen there, and he turns out to be a super rich Republican who kept buying everyone drinks.


    He said he's against national health care, because he pays cash for his operations.


  8. But schmeeriously folks.....everyone was extremely nice and I had a good time, no matter what the cut of your gib was!

    I couldn't buy a drink!

    I met Dave Yonki, there, he's a really nice guy, first time I ever met him.

    I met Gort for the first time in person.

    I expected this young, healthy guy and...well...

    ...anyway, it was great.

    The Fords, many nice people! Walter Griffin, Corey O'Brien, many I can't name. All nice people!

  9. I wanted to meet Mean Old Nasty Bastard, but I don't think he was there.

  10. This was kind of strange: whenever I talked to Gort, he consulted with his attorney first.

    Example: When I first walked in, I said: "Are YOU Gort?" He and his attorney whispered for about 5 minutes...and then he said: "Yes." This went on all night.

  11. haha it was great meeting you as well Big Dan. It was a great time and I enjoyed talking to everyone there.

  12. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Walter Griffith Jr for County Controller was there as well and he made a great impression on everyone there and they are supporting Walter for Controller.Dan was very nice and so was Austin. Dave Yonki was also very impressive as usual and there was a big celebrity there from Scranton as well.

  13. Tom Ford8:25 AM

    G, thanks for the invite. It was great meeting everyone, even Zen ;). Thanks for the invite!

  14. Forrest Gump9:56 AM

    Had a great time! Real nice to meet everybody. Corey and Walter were both impressive. So was Harry Haas for that matter. Good luck to all the candidates!!! Gort, it was a very successful function. We should get together more often as the election gets closer. Mean Old Man was under the weather and his old lady wouldn't let him come out and play. Something about his gout.

  15. Yeah, even Zen was nice...

  16. It was a great time and am glad I made it. Even the moon bats were well behaved ;)

    Was nice to finally meet Big Dan even if it was at a small bar. Yes I did buy a couple drinks but that doesn't make me a super rich republican, just an employed one who's wife gives him enough of an allowance to afford such extravagances.

    Dan, if you remember correctly, I said I was against Obamacross unless every single citizen paid for it instead of only the 54% of that actually pay income tax. Also the same 54% that have absolutely no use for that plan. Where the "I pay cash for my operations" comes from, I have no clue.

    I missed mean old man as well. Sorry I had to leave early but dinner wasn't going to cook itself.
