Thursday, September 10, 2009

Big day for the local GOP

RNC Chairman Michael Steele cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the new Luzerne County Republican HQ in the Midtown Plaza in Wilkes-Barre yesterday.

Coulter Jones in the Citizen Voice had this observation:

Media and the public were not allowed to attend the event, which was held before a three-hour "open house" for the public...Steele, who took over as chairman in January, attended a luncheon prior to his speech with several people who have made large donations to the Republican National Committee.

National GOP chief opens county HQ from the TL

The office is capable of handling a 24-line phone bank, providing campaign space for local, county, state and federal candidates to speak to the public and distributing countless fliers.
The headquarters also includes office space for Luzerne County Republican Party Executive Director Renita Fennick and Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Director Jon Hopcraft of the state Republican Party.
Registered Republicans can became Club GOP members if they donate $50 or more annually to help keep the offices open.

The Luzerne County Republican Party sent me a press release which I would publish but it was a PDF instead of a Word Document and it would take me about 16 steps to put it on the blog.

They also had Karl Rove speak to the faithful a few months ago.

Update: The Luzerne County GOP press release

WILKES-BARRE -- Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele gave a pep talk to party faithful at Wednesday’s grand opening of the Luzerne County Republican Party headquarters on South Main Street.
Steele cut a red, white and blue ribbon and spoke to members of Club GOP, a newly formed grassroots organization designed to support the county GOP.
“This place is more than just four walls, fluorescent lights and a flag,” Steele said. “It’s where the Republican Party of Luzerne County will grow.”The local GOP’s permanent headquarters will house the offices of Executive Director Renita Fennick, and Northeast Pennsylvania Regional Director Jon Hopcraft of the state GOP. It will provide a meeting and campaign area for local, county, state and federal candidates and will feature a 24-line phone bank to assist with campaign efforts.
Steele urged party workers to come out and support the party and the candidates in the Nov. 3 election and said the timing was good for the GOP.
“Don’t believe it when they say the Republican Party is the party of no,” Steele said. “Our record is good. The opportunity is right.”
Steele, who was elected chairman of the national GOP in January, mingled with members of the ClubGOP during a private reception.


  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Lokuta was right? Give me a break! The judges were two of an army that testified against her. Why is it that the simple fact that it was her own staff and an army of attornies who were the basis of the charges filed aga inst her. Her behavior and attitude on the bench as well as in the halls of the courthouse are legendary. The woman should have had retirement forced upon her rather than to throw her out into the world without te ability to earn a living. She needs help and I'm not saying that in a harsh way, she does need help and should be on pension. Her lack of a pension is the true crime.

  2. I will get the release in word for you.

    By the way, the luncheon was great. I like the direction Mike is taking the party with a much needed revision in basic outlook and strategy.

  3. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Gort, just call and I'll get you a Word document any time.
