Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pizella won't go quietly

Indicted Wilkes-Barre Area School Director Frank Pizzella showed up at the Wilkes -Barre Area Vo-Tech board meeting yesterday and handed out a press release that said he is not going anywhere.

“I will continue to serve as the President of the Wilkes-Barre Area School Board and as a member of the Wilkes-Barre Area Vo-Tech Board. I was elected in 2007 to serve the electorate and taxpayers, and I will continue to do just that...I will remain accessible to the public and therefore, I will be more than happy to answer any questions from the members of the press regarding School District and/or Vo-Tech business. In regards to any questions relating to the recent events of the past week, my comment is and will continue to be ‘no comment’ on the advice of my counsel due to the ongoing investigation.”

Anyone who knows Frank will tell you that he has moxy. He has been accused of taking part in conspiracy to pay a $5000 bribe to an unnamed school director in 2004 in return for helping someone get a teaching job. The Indictment lists 3 other unnamed unidicted co-conspirators. Three other school board members that also sit on the Vo-Tech Board have also been charged with corruption and two of them have resigned.

It looks like Pizzella wants a trial on these charges and so do I.


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    And another guy shows the moxie to stand up for himself. The guy has balls! A word of caution, if they have him cold, he should work things out, get the best deal he can because if they have the goods on him, arrogance is not a good card to play. The Feds hold the hammer and they know how to use it.

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Yes we know what happens when you play games jackass

  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I wouldnt think the FEDS are here to play games

  4. Don Williams9:49 AM

    Hey...is this Anon guy ( or gal ) talking to themselves? Scary...

  5. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I just read Anon 4:40's cmment and I don't see the word "games" used anywhere. What I get from it is Anon simply saying if your innocent fight, if you're guilty, don't screw with the Feds. It seems that you people find for GUILTY before the trail even begins. I guess it is against the rules to have an opinion that coincides with the Constitution. Just hang the bastards! And to think that the jury pool contains you and others like you. Now that's scary.

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    until he pleads or is found guilty then why should he resign? what the fuck ever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty. goddam you would think that we are a county full of corrupt elected officials.

  7. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Any one who knows Frank, knows he has a big mouth,
    Wait until he sings!!
