Saturday, September 12, 2009

Get well Sam

The CV is reporting that Luzerne County Deputy Warden Sam Hyder has been on sick leave for over a month. It must be serious because he has been a workhorse that has not taken a sick or vacation day in the previous 3 years according to county records.

I'm going to resist rehashing the controversies he has been involved in over the last few years and wish Sam and his family well.


  1. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Congratulations on your considerate attitude toward Hyder and his family. I do not know the man but employees of the prison have told me he does a good job and that's all we can ask of public employees. It's tough enough to be down with an illness without having the "saints" doing the Bristol Stomp on your forehead. Good attitude Mr. G.

  2. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I hope he didn't acquire a social disease from being in Las Vegas. Perhaps he could now have a disability claim on the county.

  3. Let me get this straight: even though Hyder has been in headlines throughout all this heightened focus on Luzerne County officials, he somehow has been on sick leave since Aug. 6.......and it's just now being reported on Sep. 11th? Did I get that straight?

    So, with all the scrutiny going on at the courthouse, it still took over a month for someone to discover this?

  4. I'm not questioning whether he's sick or not, I just can't believe it took over a month to report. That's hard to believe.
