Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Sheriff Michael Savokinas

"I find it unbelievable Sheriff Savokinas continues to misrepresent the facts and cry persecution, I think he is delusional."-Luzerne County Commissioner Chairwoman Maryanne Petrilla
Luzerne County Sheriff Mike Savokinas is in the news again. I don't think the previous Sheriff, Barry Stankus, got as much ink in 8 years as this guy has in the last few months.
On the one hand he is decrying budget cuts that forced him to lay off people but wants to take on the additional responsibility of overseeing Courthouse security warning the Luzerne County Government Study Commission "If there's an incident at that courthouse, a shooting, people are going to die, I hate to say it."
He has resisted attempts to bring his office into compliance with county travel policies calling them nonsense. His chief deputy, Charlie Guarnieri, has been accused of harassment and questions have been raised about his vacation time that wasn't documented. When questioned about it by a TV reporter Guarnieri slapped his microphone away.
Then there is drugs in the cars incidents and Savo claimed he was being framed. "It's not uncommon to find drugs in a police vehicle." The FBI is supposedly investigating the multiple drugs on the shoe stuff because DA Jackie MO punts every allegation of local wrongdoing by the political class.
And Pittston School Board member Joseph Oliveri plead guilty to taking a bribe while on duty as a deputy sheriff. He committed a crime while in uniform and on duty and they want to pay him for his unused vacation and sick pay. Not that anybody actually keeps track of it.
To top it all off Savokinas has a website:
This is not a dot gov or dot org domain but a dot com so it is hard to tell who is paying for it. There is not an email address to contact our sheriff so I just may give him a call. That is where I got the picture of him and the President.
If you want to talk Mike, send me an email. I know you read this blog.
I missed some stuff but you can read more Savo stories on the CV archive.


  1. just another wonderful example of our elected democrats that work in the blunder dome.

  2. Mean Old Man12:05 PM

    Why do you continue to destroy the reputation of this fine young law enforcement officer? Don't you have anything better to do!!?!!

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Mean Old Man time for the meds

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    This courthouse needs to be taken over from the outside and start from square one

  5. Nanda7:44 PM

    I assume you saw that he has now resigned.

  6. Anonymous11:22 PM

    That website had to be private (well it better have been) as this egomaniac registered it on November 20 (check Internic). He couldn't wait to be sheriff so he made up his own site. The county should be checking to make sure he wasn't paying for this mess out of his (former) office's budget.
