Friday, September 25, 2009

Spring Break

(L to R) Judge Peter Paul Olszewski, attorney John Kennedy, Ron Bellitiere and and former Judge Michael Conahan

CV: "It's obviously being done to embarrass me before the election," Olszewski said of the photo...In a tense, hour-long interview with The Citizens' Voice editors and reporters Thursday, Olszewski said he believes the June 2005 photo was mailed anonymously to the media by Conahan and/or his codefendant, former county Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., to hurt his bid for a second 10-year term in November.
"If you publish this, you're doing Mark's bidding," Olszewski said. "You're doing what the most corrupt judges in the world want you to do."...Through his attorney, Al Flora Jr., Ciavarella said the accusation that he was the source of the photo was "absolutely not true." Conahan declined comment through his attorney.

I never get invited to any of the good frat parties. It looks like these guys were playing some serious blender games. McGruff wants to know Who took the picture?


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    May the FEDS be with you

  2. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Looks more like were in for a winter party

  3. Mean Old Man3:23 PM

    Why they are making such a big deal about Judge Olszewski, a fine and upstanding jurist, having a drink with some friends is baffling to me. Maybe if the commie who runs this site allowed pictures to be taken at his social gatherings (a good source tells me he doesn't) we would see some riff raff too, but I guess that's okay. Damn!!! To hell with the dimwit who outted that picture, to hell with Gort, and to hell with you all!!!! May God guide our esteemed young jurist Mr. Olszewski to retention. God Bless Him, and our Sainted Senator Santorum.

  4. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Mean Old Man, Silly old man. Peter Paul said he would do nothing to shame his parents yet those who know him best say he would arrest his mother if it got him a headline when he wanted to be a judge. I see nothing in his personal life style or personal history that screams out for his retenion. We need jurist of character, not character's for jurist. Out with Peter Paul and let the search begin for a quality replacement.

  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Well said Anon 9:24 I wholeheartedly agree. Out with Peter Paul.

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I also agree with Anon 9:24. PPO as he is now being refered to did not play nice on the vote for President Judge and if he was that dumb to not know he was the only vote for himself then he is really to stupid to be on the Bench. You can add me to the no column.
