Sunday, October 25, 2009


The LuLac Political Letter will be having its Controller's Forum for Luzerne County Monday night from 7 to 9PM at Bentley's. All three candidates, Walter Griffith (GOP) Robert Morgan (Democrat) and Wil Toole (Independent) will be on hand to answer questions and talk about their campaigns.

Since the event will be at Bentley's and they have a bar with TV's it is perfect setting for a meeting of the Saturday OT Committee and Operatic Society. After the debate we can watch the Eagle's snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory . How did they lose to the Raiders? So come out and join us to address the financial crises by infusing cash into the malt beverage industry to ensure it's liquidity.


  1. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Are dead cats allowed at Bentley's? Have you seen what Wil Toole has on his noggin? I hope they let him in.

  2. Forrest Gump6:47 AM

    I will be in attendance GORT. Just got approved for leave, Tuesday. I doubt whether the Pope will show up. To him, Bentley's is like going on vacation. He'd have to pack his bags and he doesn't like to drive at night. See you there.

  3. Bubba Gump Shrimp8:56 AM

    I'm pretty sure Wil can fix Morgan up with a nice rug after the event, and maybe between Wil and Morgan they can put something in Griffiths head.

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    From the LuLac blog:

    "The moderator has the right to reject any public question"

    Is this the protect Walter rule?

    Mr. Yonki has lost his most admirable quality, "credibility."

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Anon 10:04 Is that really true? What is the point of hosting a "public" forum if the public will be censored? I am sorry, but if they want to ask the person running if the cough into their arm instead of their hand you should be able. This smells and I agree, Mr Yonki has lost credibility. He wants to control the content of the "public" forum, much the same way he controls what is posted on his blog. There is no OPEN conversation, there is no FREE speech.

  6. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Anon 10:04 and Anon 10:23 I went over to the LuLac site and read his explanation for this draconian limit on free speech. I had planned on attending with several people from work and our spouses, about 10 of us. We have all together decided not to attend after seeing through this sham of an event. I think Toole and Morgan should do a no show.
    Moran seems thoughtful enough and Toole never ducks any question or accusation thrown at him. Get out guys while you can. It looks like this so called forum is a set up.

  7. C'mon guys, it'll be fun!!!!!

  8. Anonymous4:17 PM

    sorry david yoni, if you are going to censor the public my wife and i will not be going either.

  9. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Sometimes at these forums the question askers make themselves the show instead of the candidates. i am sure that is why Dave is doing this.

    secondly this game is key if the Eagles win, it makes next week more relevant when the great city goes 2-2 against dbags

  10. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Hey guys, I was at the Forum and I have to tell you it was really good. All the questions got asked, there was no censoring. Yonk asked some really good questions that tested how much these guys really know about the job. Then he asked ALL the audiences questions which took aim at all three of them in very vulnerable places. Nothing was swept under the rug. It was fun and he did a good job.

  11. Folks, as a participant I can only tell you what was explained to me. David said he did not want to get bogged down in the past but thought it more important to dwell on the future. Luzerne County is going forward and can never step back and undo what's been done. Candidates have an obligation to state as clearly as possible what they know to be the job and the job responsibilities and what they plan to do to address those areas. Again, as a participant, I can't speak highly enough of the job David did as the Moderator. He did not sensor any questions and in fact, any question that was duplicated, he did re read it to allow for additional comments if needed. I feel I received a fair shake and yes I did receive and answer questions I would just as soon leave behind but in public life, the people have a right to know anything they have an interest in. And I do agree with one of my favorite public figures, Harry S Truman .... if the heat is to hot ....... get out! I'm in this race for all the right reason, I know how to do the job and I don't owe any politician a single thing. As of today I have spent approx. $7400 and I have raised $1350. The rest is mine. So it is obvious that I am on my own and if elected, I will be my own man free of all outside influences. I thank David with my entire being because without his efforts, I could not have addressed the 30+ people who attended tonight's debate. There was no blood spilled but there were some bruising moments but that's the way it should be. Politics is a though game so if you step into the ring, you have to expect a punch or two. I'm happy and for right now, I'm the only one I have to please. If I could actually raise additional no strings attached campaign funds, I would be even happier. I have a few dollars for radio and newspaper's but I would love to run a well financed campaign. I have a message but it's hard to get it out. Bottom line, David has a heart and it is filled with public good. His intentions were pure and there was noone else who stepped up to do the job. Thanks David.

  12. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Well put Mr Toole. It's obvious to me that Wil Toole is more than just qualified, he is a man who shows appreciation when it is due. My honey calls that "character".

  13. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Just for the heck of it, I just did a little review of older posts and as I read the above comments, I had to take a moment and add my own comment that the deeper I get into this election, I have come up with two absolute decisions, 1. Vote no on Peter Paul Olszewski and 2. Wil Toole is the only candidate that I could vote for Controller. That's my two cents and I think I've spent it wisely.
