Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kanjo to the rescue

The Kirby Center in Wilkes-Barre has hit a rough patch lately and some people are predicting it's demise because of the sour economy. I think it will survive but they have to book better acts than Johnny Mathis and Brian Wilson but that's just my opinion.

Anyway, Congressman Paul Kanjorski will announce on Tuesday that he got some money to fix the roof on the place.

The Kirby is a gem and is my favorite place to see a show and we have seen many of them. The upcoming lineup has something for everyone. I looking forward to the imitation Pink Floyd band in the winter.

Kanjorski has been on CNBC talking regulatory reform and working hard in committee meetings trying to figure out how to avoid another meltdown like what happened when Bush was occupying the White House. Note to my Republican friends: history didn't start on January 20th of this year. The government's finances were blown up by the last guy. I haven't blogged much about his work to reform the financial industry because it gets too wonky for me but if you are interested you can read about it here.

He even got a shout out from our Nobel Prize winning President.


  1. Anonymous6:19 PM

    see where a typo may bring you

  2. G,

    Surely you are kidding about Paul Kanjorski being a saint.

    Here's John Murtha stating Paul Kanjorski did NOTHING when he claimed he knew Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and 100 banks were going to fail.

    Kanjorski knew there was an impending mortgage crisis since 2001

    He told us Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac weren't failing as late as July 2008

    Kanjorski protected Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    Kanjorski admits watching the disaster unfold for two years

    The video on this post tells who was responsible

    How about the Financial Services Roundtable testimony in 2003 asking for an independent regulator?

    Thursday, September 25, 2003

    Mr. BARTLETT. Mr. Kanjorski, our organization and our companies have been quite concerned about this from a safety and soundness as well as a mission for the last several years. We have communicated that concern. But recently, that concern seems to have been highlighted by a number of factors.

    So, yes, sir, I believe there is an urgency that is to the tune of some $3.3 trillion that is either owned or guaranteed by these two agencies that all the testimony that you have heard today bring in some question as to whether they are being properly regulated. So we think they are not being properly regulated. And we believe that with $3.3 trillion, you do not want to wait too long. And now is the time to act. 2009

    Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Community Reinvestment Act, Financial Services Act of 1999

    I guess our "bone" is even. Take Care.

  3. So for shits and giggles I decided to follow your link to Google. The second item:

    IAA chief: Kanjorski bill would weaken Advisers Act

    A proposal put forward by the Obama administration and Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises, would weaken the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, according to the head of a group that represents federally registered advisers.

    Brokers who provide investment advice should abide by the same fiduciary standards as investment advisers, said David Tittsworth, executive director of the Investment Adviser Association, which re-presents advisory firms registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    He testified last Tuesday at a Financial Services Committee hearing on reform of broker-dealer and investment adviser regulations.

    “Unfortunately, the Investor Protection Act, as drafted, would not achieve this laudable result,” Mr. Tittsworth said. “Instead, it would open the door for watering down or weakening the current fiduciary standard by redefining fiduciary duty under the Advisers Act.”

    Mr. Tittsworth also complained that the bill, as drafted, could lead to non-retail advisory customers' losing fiduciary protections from their advisers. This would include mutual funds and pension funds.

    “It would be a mistake to alter or narrow the existing fiduciary standard under the Advisers Act,” he said.

    Some protectionist and champion of the cause. Look at the Ney-Kanjorski bill he once proposed as protection for the consumer.

    A new bill introduced in Congress by Reps. Robert Ney of Ohio and Paul Kanjorski of Pennsylvania would demolish many of the protections states and the federal government have carefully erected against predatory lenders and would expose millions of homebuyers to the loss of their savings and even their homes, consumer advocates said.

    Cease fire, sir. Command noted.

  4. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Yoa are correct about getting better acts in the Kirby. rarely do they get anything interesting for the 25-45 year old potential crowd.

    I remember way back when they Kirby was re-done, the had Yngwie Malmsteen booked as one of the first shows. The person that booked Yngwie must have read that he was a neo-classical guitarist (which he is) and expected to see a guy on stage with a nylon stringed guitar playing solo. As it turned out, they found out that he is a Heavy Metal Guitarist/band and was dropped immediatelyt in fear that the seats would be damaged.

    Look who is on the Board! Denise Cesare... the money grubbing, egotistical person that runs the show at a local health insurance organization. She probably had her say in it.

    Are dollars from younger folk not as welcome as the money from old people? The FM Kirby Should be open to all ages and genres of music.

    The can have a national act in the weekly but they chose not to.

    If anybody from the Kirby Board reads this... PLEASE GET A CLUE ON HOW TO BOOK BANDS THAT DRAW CROWDS AND REVENUE!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Do the younder set spend money on live entertainment? I'm dying to see Johnny Mathis and not just because he is one of the last of the greats. I'm eager to see what kind of a crowd he can draw at those prices and what age group. Ineresting. I rember taking my young son to see Eddy Arnold and he fell in love with him. Took all my CDs and I never saw them again. Yep, can't wait.
