Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Luzerne County Controller

Democratic Controller Bob Morgan candidate got his turn with the Times-Leader editorial board.
Some choice quotes:
He hasn't been at Commissioner's meetings but assures us that “If something inappropriate is going on, you have to be the one to blow the whistle. That’s your responsibility.” ...“I don’t think that the controller in the end has a lot of political friends. I think the controller in the end does the right thing for taxpayers.”..."I think there’s a sense that county finances are a black box and that nobody’s sure that we have a problem until we have a problem, and whenever we have a problem it’s a big problem.”
Morgan said he would be a full-time controller but would continue to work for PNC Investments as a financial adviser on a “limited basis,” primarily nights and on weekends.
He does not expect PNC Investments to get involved in managing the county pension fund but said he would stay out of any such negotiations. Morgan said PNC is “very aware” of potential conflicts of interest.
No mention of the potential conflict with PNC Bank being the county's bond underwriter.
Morgan has a website up and takes a swipe at his 2 opponents on the front page. I have not worked in City or County government and I haven't run for multiple offices, multiple times.

GOP hopeful Walter Griffith was also interviewed by the TL.
He emphasized again that he will shut down his business and be a full time Controller. He is tenacious and said "I just won’t let go if it’s not right.”

“My big issue with county government is the lack of consistency. There never seems to be anybody that will put their hand in the air and be accountable or consistent with their policies. I think that’s crucial in government.” ...“I’ve sacrificed a lot since 2003 for the people, not that I want any accolades for that. I do it because I care. That’s the whole purpose of my running the campaign, it’s because I have a heart to serve. It’s because I want to be there to fix things if I can.”...I’ve run a business for 20 years. I think a business background and common sense is what makes it work.”
Here is a link to his website.

Independent candidate Wil Toole was also interviewed by the TL that I covered in a previous post.
You can read about him on his site
Morgan's campaign has been low key until the last couple of weeks but now he has billboards and is running radio ads that I haven't heard.
From the Yonk: Morgan is also taking a swipe at his two rivals Republican Walter Griffith Junior and Independent Wil Toole. Morgan makes reference to the watchdog term readily applied to Griffith saying it takes more than some sort of mutt to oversee the finances of the county. He also refers to Toole’s previous administrative tenure as a way for the old boy network to continue to thrive.
You can meet all three candidates this coming Monday night at the LuLac Political Letter candidate’s forum, Oct. 26th from 7 to 9 PM at Bentley’s in Ashley. Afterward we can watch football.


  1. I heard one of Bob Morgan's commercials on WILK the other day and thought to myself, "no, he couldn't be THAT Bob Morgan, could he?" and yes, seeing this posting proves that he is. "That Bob Morgan" would be the guy I worked with years and years ago. The Bob Morgan I worked with a pretty bright, stand up airs about him, and he didn't seem particularly "connected" in a political sense.

    The only thing that surprises me is the fact that he's a Democrat. The Bob Morgan I knew a few years ago was fairly conservative.

    Anyway, good luck to Bob. Running for any office in Luzerne County seems to be to be the equivalent to running for student council at a reform school, but I guess someone has to do it.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Morgan said he would be a full-time controller but would continue to work for PNC Investments as a financial adviser on a “limited basis,” primarily nights and on weekends.

    What Bank has hours on the "weekend and nights" Bob Morgan is a "Licensed" Investment Banker and the Securities and exchange commission "WILL REQUIRE HIM" to cancel his license as a Investment Banker if he takes the conrollers position. That wont happen because Bob Morgan is making 3 times the amount in salary at the PNC Bank and the Ethics Code of PNC Bank is online for all to read and it states "Clearly" Bob Morgan cannot work for the bank because the Controller is responsible to audit that very same income that PNC Bank provides in the County Bonds and Loans. Bob Morgan is a "NO SHOW" CONTROLLER just like Jill Moran and the other Democrats ..

  3. I read the salary for the Controller in the TL article...the amount is INSANELY LOW. In fact, I'd question any candidate (outside of someone who is retired & receiving a pension) who claims that they will not have any other form of income.

  4. Mean Old Man7:24 AM

    Morgan is a political hack--controlled by the subversive Democrat star chamber; Griffith is a commie and everyone knows that if he is elected your tax dollars will be shipped postage paid to the Kremlin and Peking. The only real man in this race is young Mr. Toole. If all politicians were like Mr. Toole, the world would be a better place. If I were advising Mr. Toole I would tell him to steer clear of the upcoming debate which is nothing but a smokescreen for a Politburo meeting. I am sure that all of the questions have been given to his opponents in advance; after all that's the commie way! To hell with the debate!!!

  5. when you don't know the facts, argue the law, when you don't know the law call people names. And, that's exactly what the supporter of Mr. Toole is doing here.

    Joe V

    BTW - To read the facts on Mr. Toole go to

  6. Ps. With the comment about encouraging Toole not to show, it sure sounds like this will most likely be the case.
    Joe V

  7. Mean Old Man12:08 PM

    Some are happy sitting back in their easy chair writing columns; while young Mr. Toole has proven himself to have the guts, and the stamina to enter the public arena, slanders and all! Although I have never met Mr. Toole, it would be a privelige to have a cup of coffee with him at my kitchen table. As for such hacks who would destroy the character of a fine man; go to Hell!!!

  8. again - more name calling
    Joe V

  9. Anonymous4:33 PM

    And Joe Valenti is an expert on name calling. I was told today that the real problem with Valenti and Toole is that Toole has been a star at everything he has done and if you look at Tool's web site, especially his public activities you can see that he has been a work horse in his community and for many years. He is not a Johnny Come Lately. The other thing about Valenti vs Toole is that Toole has always been successful and Valenti has failed at everything he has attempted. His newspaper failed, his big splash business on Broad St Pittston had headlines of hiring 50 people and failed, his computer business failed so he sits at night drinking and doing stupid songs for his blog. Pathetic! Anyone who reads Valenti or knows him recognizes how obsessed he is with Wil Toole.

  10. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Valenti, are you starving for people to read your garbage. And for you to call what you blog as facts is the funniest thing i have heard in ages, thank god everyone knows you as a joke. The only objective sites i can find are Gort and Lulac, so sell your wears elsewhere Valenti. And to those who actually think of visiting Valenti's site you actually lose like 10 to 20 IQ points after reading so beware!!!

  11. Anonymous4:41 PM

    As for morgan, he has no interest in county government that he has shown other than running for controller, he spews slander and name calling, and offers now solutions to problems, and I believe that would have something to do with him not knowing the problems and issues that we are facing. As for Griffith this guy is self serving in so many ways, he argues that educating the voters on using the voting machines is not needed, watchdog, hmmm. I have heard Wil Toole speak at many commissioner meetings and after he points out a problem he offers solutions and often more than one, SO it's a no brainer for me, Voting Toole in november, Go get em Wil.

  12. Anonymous4:52 PM

    FLASH ..... Morgan aparently has a very poor memory. His site states he never worked for a city or the county but hold on, Bob Morgan absolutely worked for Luzerne County at the LCHRDD (Luzerne County Human Resources). he received a Luzerne County pay check, he received Luzerne County employee benefits and paid into the Luzerne County Pension fund. Is Bob Morgan so foregetful that he forgets where he worked or is he trying real hard to paint himself as something other than a real life failure? He has said very clearly that he is not going to quit his job and it was reported he said it at the LuLac Primary debate. Now he is saying he will do banking buisness at night and on weekends but what he will really do is work lunch hours at being the Controller and give the Controller's office a phone call when he has time.

    He had better offer a retraction about never working for the county because he did and that is a verifiable fact. He worked in the Fiscal department and I know for sure. Now that he has been exposed, I want to see how he dances out of this lie.

  13. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Yonk and Gort objective???? They are definitely biased and don't try to hide it. In Gort's case he allows dissent on his site. The Yonk is the king of censorship

  14. Anonymous4:57 PM

    with choices like walter and toole we have no choice but to vote morgan or none of the above.

  15. Yep, I have had businesses failed. Not ashamed of that. Also had some successful businesses one of which was sold to PenTeleData the largest privately owned ISP in the state of PA. The fact of the matter is that I have NEVER recv'd a paycheck from the public and considered myself blessed that I have good career with a wonderful family and GOOD LOYAL friends.

    Again, when you have nothing else to go on, throw the facts out the window and resort to name calling.

  16. Patrick Toole1:25 AM

    I wanted to make a post in my fathers behalf. I really don't know these other fellows running for Controller but I know my dad, So I wanted to share a little history of my father's work ethic.

    Growing up I didn't see my father a lot and the reason for that was he worked at least two jobs and sometimes more so as a child I thought we were rich because myself and my brothers as well never wanted for anything. He made things look and seem so easy that we may have taken many things for granted.I was still quite young when he became involved with politics and I basically grew up with him in City Hall. Since my father has left the city I have had several employees tell me how much they missed him. They mention that under him, the time the City was not only financially stable but had a surplus and still managed to have all the services plus the extras like parks in perfect shape and many activities for us youngsters.
    As for his dedication to the City I can tell you that I brought him dinner to his office many nights because working many work hours is what it took to keep things running smoothly, late hours and most weekends.

    I can say without a doubt that if my father is elected to the office of Controller he will be full time, and will be accessible and accountable to the taxpayers,. If you want proof just ask anyone who remembers when City Hall was open 24 hours, 7 days a week. They can attest to how my father would be walking out the door and someone would ask something of him and he never looked at the clock and said hey it's 7 or 8 O'Clock and I've got to go. He loved his City as he loves government. That's what we need in a Controller and that is what we will get if he is elected.

    There are people taking issue of him deciding to change to an Independent and until he explained it I didn't understand either. He has gotten older and he thinks differently now than in his younger days. He simply does not want to carry a Party banner and make excuses for things he just isn't comfortable with. His intention is to go into this office beholding to nobody and that is the type of candidate who can get things done, no IOU's to cash, nothing but a clear idea and the knowledge to get the job done. On the other hand I see two party candidates running against him both getting donations from party people yet Morgan says he feels he is the independent and mentions that my father had old school party people sign his petition. Well I would love for anyone to try to get almost 1600 signatures and have not one of them be from the old guard, I found this shot very cheap considering Morgan had campaign contributions from at least two people that are being investigated and his biggest contributor is an attorney who has held several solicitorships in the county. As for Griffith the fact that he can't fill out a simple contribution finance report is quite scary to me. He even admits and I quote "I might get in there and realize I bit off more than I can chew" Does Mr Griffith think that he can have a trial run with this?

    On a personal note, I would rather be spending time with my dad fishing and just enjoying him, but that would be selfish of me as he has way to much to offer the taxpayers of this county. I have to accept what he wants, and I think I speak for all of us that know my father when I say he is not the type to sit on the sidelines when there is a problem and lets face it, we have a major problem in our county.
    So in closing I would like to say make sure you vote as this is the only way to make a change, and I would appreciate your vote for my dad, I feel very confident in saying you won't be sorry.

    Thank you
    Patrick Toole
    Proud Son of Wil Toole Independent Candidate for Luzerne County Controller.

  17. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Here, Here. Young Mr. Toole you represent your family well. I too agree with you that when Pittston was administrated by your dad it was in great financial shape and the citizenry were well represented. That so called political pundit Mr. Valenti should be taken behind the woodshed for the lies and mis-truths he espouses about the city past and present. If it were not for him and his pals Lombardo and Zarra having their hand in the cookie jar of the city we would most assuredly be financially sound. The city paid out more because of the slash and burn attitude and mean spirited firings of that administration. My Support to Toole a good man that did an exemplary job.

  18. Patrick, Thank you son. My goal in life was to pass on to you and your brothers Brian and Michael the same physical example my Mom and Dad displayed to me, a good work ethic. I love you, Brian and Michael and I want the world to know it. You guys make me proud.
    Love, Dad.

  19. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Nuff mush. Seriously, To often people don't express their pride and love of family. Congratulations to Wil and his son.

    But this is a political season and therefore, a time of mistruths, hidden agendas and gross exagerations.

    Controller candidate Bob Morgan has a web sit on which he states he was never a city employee or a county employee. Was that statment a lie, a mistake or a mistruth? Morgan worked for Luzerne County in the Luzerne County Human Resources Deparmtent. He was employed in the fiscal department so why is he ashamed and tried to hide it? Didn't he think that one of the hundred people he worked with would expose this attempt to cover his old boy tracks? Does he think for one minute that people don't know you get a job in the county through politics? Is Petrilla supporting him take him out of the old boy network and make him the true independent? We have enough honies in county governmenta and we sure as hell don't need one more.

  20. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Looks to me that Democrats and Republicans alike are looking at the beginning of the end.

  21. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Anon 2:48 Good Post.

    Looks like Wil Toole began an up hill fight that was damn near impossible to win but look at what is happening. Luzerne county people seem to be saying voting Independent is the way to go. I guess that's why both Griffith and Morgan are now claiming to be the true independent. From where I sit, I don't think that either of them had the balls that Toole displayed when he shed the Party cloak, thumbed his nose at the big wigs and decided to go it alone. So now he receives the mud which in my book, qualifies him for the job. It's the soaring eagle that gets shot at and as such, Toole has shown himself to be far above Griffith and Morgan. Looks like their not running for Controller, their running against Wil Toole. I think Wil Toole has set the stage for a real third party hopeful and things are about to change. If nothing else, we owe Wil a big thank you for that.

  22. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Looks like the GORT 42 Web site has turned into a cheering session for Wil Toole. Maybe Gort should just rename his blog to The Old School for Toole and let all his family and friends have a good time just praising Wil Toole the City Clerk of Pittston and the savior of the County.

  23. Don Williams7:19 PM

    Hey - a-nonexperts. At least Wil and a few others have the b*lls to post their real names.

  24. Patrick Toole7:24 PM

    Anon 4:35

    I just wanted to share my knowledge of my father and his abilities and qualities with the residents of Luzerne County. I have noticed nothing but fair and non bias reporting on this site which is why i chose to post to it. You have equal coverage of the 3 cadidates, so it would seem that your issue is that bloggers that want to support my father should keep it to themselves. Let me ask you this because maybe we had different grandmothers, did yours say if you don't have anything negative to say then don't say anything at all?

    Patrick Toole, Proud son of Wil Toole Independent candidate for Luzerne County Controler

  25. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Gort has made his position very clear. He supports free speech and all he has asked is that your posts be kept clean. Gort is doing an outstanding job that allows people to post their thoughts. I have not seen Gort offer an endorsement and I don't expect to see one. He obviously respects the visitors to his blog and trusts in their use of common sense and decency in posting. But, if he makes the decision to offer his personal endorsement to any candidate then he is simply utilizing the rights he has offered everyone else. If you have the balls to sign your post then go ahead and tell the world who your favorite candidate is, Pat Toole did and I commend him for it. I won't because my vote is my business and I don't presume to tell others how to vote.

  26. I will be offering an endorsement and predition on this race and the others the weekend before the election like I always do.

    Right now I'm enjoying the back and forth between the candidates and their supporters.

    Some comments have been borderline but I usually don't delete anything unless someone calls foul or I think it's vulgar or unfair.

    Politics brings out passion in people which I think is a good thing.

    We have less than two weeks to cheer and bash the candidates.

    Have at it my friends.

  27. Anonymous12:32 PM

    One thing Don, the blogger here remains shrouded in anonymity. So calling others out really doesn't make sense if the blogger doesn't have the b*(ls to post his own name.

  28. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I just followed the link to Griffith's web page and looks like the Times Leader endorsed candidate forgot to include a link to contact him via email. Looks like the Times Leader picked a candidate who is so unprepared for the technical world of the COntroller office that he didn't even think that a otential supporter might want to contact him. As the Soup Nazi said, NO GRIFFITH FOR ME.

  29. Looking forward to Monday nite:-o

  30. Anonymous9:22 AM

    There is a link to contact Walter Griffith Jr on his Web Page Anon: 5:35 PM..look at the top bar where it says Contact Walter..Duh..

  31. Anonymous2:07 PM

    That last post by Anon 9:22 caused me to take a look. At first I didn't see it either but because of this reference to it, I scrolled over and there it is. So if there is anyone who wants to contact Griffith, be sure to scroll to the right when you open his site and you can contact him.

  32. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Joe V apparently doesn't know that the drinks are in a different part of the building. I'm sure he will have a little bottle courage prior to showing his redish nose.

  33. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Joe V isn't even have a player in life let alone this election. His friends say he is obsessed and his bloggers say that he needs to stop drinking. I don't want anyone to get distracted by this jerk and his hate filled ranting. We have got to focus on this election and the Controller's race is the most important race in recent years. It is obvious to me that Steve Flood is not coming back and the only candidate that has the ability to uncover the BS in the county is Wil Toole. In his interview with the Times Leader, it was very clear that he was the only candidate that saw the problems in Luzerne County government. If we are going to have Home Rule then we need Wil Toole to protect us till Home Rule takes charge.
