Sunday, October 18, 2009

PA State Supreme Court race

I don't pay much attention to the statewide Judge races because the candidates run on their bio's and promise to be tough on crime with an emphasis on locking up all the drug dealers. But then every politician promises to lock up all the druggies and we all know that policy has worked out well over the past 50 years. Their campaigns are financed by the lawyers that will appear before them but they assure us that that will not influence their rulings. What a bunch of hooey.

Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts make a good case for scrapping the present system and going with merit selection of Judges. Their blog documents the problems with electing appellate Judges.

The Democratic nominee for the one open seat is Jack Panella
from Northampton County who presently serves on the Superior Court and was on the Court of Judicial Discipline that dropped the ball over the allegations about Luzerne County criminals Conahan and Ciavarella . They were busy with the Lokuta witchhunt orchestrated by Conahan.


His opponent is Joan Orie Melvin from Pittsburgh who also serves on the Superior Court. Her website tells us that she has been a lifelong Republican. Her faith is the cornerstone of her life. She comes from a family of nine children raised with the principles of God and Country. Her sister is State Senator Jane Orie who helped her get the endorsement of the Pennsylvania Teamsters that didn't turn out so well. The Pennsylvania Progressive has the details.

Melvin was in town last month and said of the Juvie Brothers scandal "This is surreal. It is right out of a Charles Dickens’ novel."

In her previous visit to Wilkes-Barre in May she gave a long rambling speech to the local GOP faithful. In that speech she listed as one of her selling points was the upcoming redistricting after the 2010 Census telling the partisan crowd that they needed a Republican on the court to rule in favor of Republicans in any challenges to whatever plan emerges.

So much for Judges being above politics.

Now Capitol Ideas points out that the state GOP is running a banner ad on GrassrootsPA on her behalf.

"Tired of Barack Obama, Ed Rendell, Arlen Specter and big government Democrats ruining our nation?" the advertisement asks in yellow block capitals set against a bright-red background. And in case the message wasn't subtle enough, there's a Soviet-era hammer-and-sickle inside the "O" in Obama's last name. That oughta rally the base, eh?



My friend Danny gave me the heads up and says

She's using a hammer and sickle for the "O" in Obama in her new web ad. Disgusting. And the best part is that it's paid for by the PA GOP.


Comparisons to Communists or Nazi's used to be out of bounds in American politics but the Tea Bagger crowd does it all the time and now it is somehow Okay. It's one thing for a bunch of people who are ignorant of history and political philosophy to engage in this kind of nonsense but a State Supreme Court candidate should know better.

The thing that we want in our Judges is to be impartial and not take political sides no matter what party they belong to. She flunks that test.

I will vote for Panella.


  1. Actually, Gort, the pa. Vourt of Judicial Discipline referred allegations to the US Att'y for the Middle District of Pa. Had they opened an investigation, they would be impeding his criminal matter, which should take prioority. The US Att'y has publicly stated the Pa Court of Judicial Discipline did the right thing. The only person who has been trying to suggest anything different is Joan Orie Melvin.

  2. Anonymous9:41 PM

    People advocating for merit selection. Is there a bigger joke than merit selection? That means that every judge will be chosen by the Pat Judges and big firms such as Rosen, Jenkins and the other guy. People will not be satisfied till they give away our entire form of free elections. Idiots with no background or experience are elected based on stupid slogans or celebrity status. Luzerne county wanted change so we got Vonderspend and Skrep. OMG When will ability and experience count for something? Is having a brain a bad thing?

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I will also be voting for Panella. This filth that Melvin rolls with only indicates how she will be as a judge.

  4. Anonymous9:46 PM

    It was the state GOP and local candidate Walter Griffith who found fault with putting directions on the voting machines. So much for good government and educating voters. I read the instructions and I'll be damned if I can find anything wrong or slanted in them. Total over reaction by the bitty brains.

  5. And the Repugnicants earn that name once again.

    The Democrats are all crooks, the Republicans are all evil scumbags. Can we get more Independent choices, please?

  6. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Wyoming Area and Wilkes Barre Area have an opportunity to "go off the board" with independent write in candidates and Luzerne County has one registered Independent with Wil Toole running for Controller. And lease stop with the silliness that Toole is the Democrat's choice. If he were, Morgan would not have the endorsement, Toole would. Nobody has ever done this before and I can assure you that the current Democrat leaders don't have the brains to pull off something so complicated and difficult. Besides do you think even for a minute that Petrilla wants Wil Toole looking over her shoulder? Even the thought scares her. This election is historic in many ways. Write in candidates have a real chance and a registered Independent has a real chance. Now we will see just how much the voters want a real change in the system.

  7. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I think there is a place for Walter Griffith in government but it just isn't the technical position of Controller. We need a taxpayer's advocate and Walter could do a good job as an advocate. I think we should lobby the county commissioner's to create an ombudsman's position and give it to Walter. Now there's an effort I could get behind. Walter for Ombudsman but please, not Controller.

  8. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I believe the hammer/sickle ad has been modified. Thank YOU, Gort.

  9. Nita Martinez9:48 AM

    Good job Gort, the ad was changed. It was a sad day for the justice system when a judge has to throw that punch. I am with Panella. Thanks again Gort.

  10. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Last thing I want to see is an advocate running the office of controller. Some morons voted one in the white house and look at the direction we are headed. I will not vote for Wally, or Toole (need I say L.C.C.C). I don't know Morgan. Most likely I will right in either Gort or Donald Duck. They would do a better Job

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Judge Jack Panella Hosts Meet & Greet to Fundraise for November’s General Election

    Philadelphia, PA October 16, 2009 – Judge Jack Panella is hosting a meet and greet at The Northbowl Lanes on Thursday, October 22nd from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
    Jack Panella is the Democratic nominee for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.

    With a remarkable reputation for making courts open and accountable, and over 18 years of experience in judging civil, criminal, and family law cases , Judge Panella remains the only judge in the history of Pennsylvania to serve as both the Chair of the Judicial Conduct Board and President Judge of the Court of Judicial Discipline. He has advocated for victims of sexual and physical violence by taking part in non-profit organizations, has maintained a strong dedication to ethical standards and reform, and will always have a strong commitment to the community. “Nothing is more important to me than the safety of our communities,” Judge Panella said.

    “As a candidate that has always stood up for the rights of working families”, Judge Panella has received several group endorsements including the Pennsylvania SEIU, the Pennsylvania State Building and Construction Trades Council, and the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO.

    With the election quickly approaching, Judge Panella asks “for your continued efforts” and promises to “make all of you proud by working tirelessly” to get his message across to as many people as possible. With nearly 1/3 of the government centered on this upcoming race, it will indefinitely play a key role in the future of the government.

    Those interested in supporting the Democratic Party are encouraged to get to know Judge Panella over an open bar Happy Hour this Thursday. The cost is $50 per person to attend, and $100 if you would like your name in the program. All persons interested in the program should RSVP to or by 10/20. Contributions are not tax deductable for income tax purposes and you must be at least 21 years of age to attend this event. Paid for by Panella for State Supreme Court.

    PR by Perfectly Promoted-

  12. Professor Milburn Cleaver, OPA11:37 AM

    Although I agree that the "ad" was in poor taste, I defend the webmaster's right to post it. As Gort has been successful in his quest to censor it, perhaps he would think twice. Censorship in any form can reek as a cancer until it is too late to arrest it. Ask any survivor of a Nazi concentration camp; or a Soviet gulag. One must understand, students, that it is best to see the smears and transgressions upfront, as to be able to deal with those who bear their responsibility. Otherwise, the myth behind the smear can grow and permeate like so much excrement. I would very much appreciate it if someday, when my schedule permits, Gort would allow me the venue of one of his Blogger meetings, in order that I can lecture the other bloggers as to the best way to deal with the issues of the day. Let me know, young man. Perhaps I'll even enjoy a bottle of beer. Class dismissed!!!

  13. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I was very interested in Panella. So I checked out your blog. Then I saw the Obama-Stalin ad. I will NEVER even consider voting for anyone endorsed by you. Nor will my numerous independent friends. We are all disgusted by this ad. And we are all seniors, and we vote.

    Cecilia Ready

  14. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Anon 9:57, Donald Duck for Controller. Now that is an intelligent statement and shows again just why our county is in the condition it is. And what is the reference to L.C.C.C.? Is it because Griffith has a business near LCCC or because an LCCC employee by the name of Toole has a legal problem you are trying to tie Toole the candidate with Toole the employee? Well, hate to break it to you but Griffith having a business in Nanticoke has nothing to do with anything but the way he supports his family and Toole the Candidate is not related to the LCCC employee Toole or Toole the judge. You need a clue because obviously, you're clueless!

  15. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Anon 9:57, Right on brother but I don't think Morgan Griffith or Toole gives a damn who you write in because your vote will not hurt any of them. Your vote will just be another stupid, thoughtless wasted vote so rather than going to the polls, why don't you just stay home and not take up the time of the people working the polls and the people waiting in line to cast their ballot. I'm beginning to think that passing a test before voting has some merit.

  16. Cecilia, you're breaking my heart.

    If you bother to read my post you will learn that the ad is being run by the PA GOP on behalf of Melvin.

  17. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Censorship seems to be going on a lot from those who claim to cherish free speech.
    I have heard Corbett censor many who call his show.
    The Yonk might as well be a Soviet agent or a brown shirt from Nazi Germany the way he does not permit negativism at WILK.
    so you see free speech is only free for those setting the rules.

  18. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Using the name Yonk in the same sentense as Corbett should be cause enough to have your fingers broke. Corbett serves absolutely no purpose in life. He cuts off anyone who disagrees with him, says that only verifiable facts can be uttered and then he proceeds with diareah of the mouth with a constant flow of liquid shit! I'll take Kevin Lynn anyday. Sue Henry, she is so far up Griffith's ass that he can't smell her own breath. Another phony who is Party blinded.

  19. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Try posting something on Yonk's site that is negative about WILK or anyone else he likes. He will either edit it or not post it. Same as Corbett. Their idea of free speech is very much like a communist or a fascist.

  20. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Judge Joan Orie-Melvin, her sister Sentaor Orie may soon find themselves the subjects of federal investigation. The use of the word "filth" in the same sentence as "Orie-Melvin" is the word filth! These two meet the definition of "fascist!" That's no exageration.
