September 22, 2015 Luzerne County Council was informed that since the
start of this year Luzerne County was without a hazard mitigation
plan. I was surprised, shocked and angry because public safety and
wellness was not Lawton's top priority. This is the biggest error and
missed deadline made by Luzerne County Manager Lawton.
Listen to the 9-22-2015 Work Session meeting audio.
our meeting, County Council Chair Linda Houck, asked: "What is the
usual procedure? I can tell you I hadn't heard about it" Houck
questioned Operational Services Director Tanis Manseau about the process
to get the plan on the Council agenda. Manseau replied, "we send it to
the Manager".
So Lawton ignored it! Did he put it on a pile or throw it away?
When I took my turn to comment I said: “It’s extremely alarming. I’m asking for an investigation as to why we
were not notified.”
I also stated I was thinking of the potential financial disaster. This is gross mismanagement by the County Manager.
failure to meet our designated deadlines gives enough reasons to
replace him with a person who has real leadership skills.
ask Chair Houck and the rest of the Council majority to wake up and
open blind prideful eyes. Lawton overspends $16.9 million, lies to
Council Council and cannot meet deadlines in a responsible manner. It
is time for Mr. "Lateton" to go.
After a man made or natural disaster we depend on and receive the recovery money to rebuild lives.
However, to
get that money, counties and municipalities need a hazard mitigation
Below is a memo to help ease our concern:
"This letter should end the concern that Luzerne County didn’t have a FEMA approved HM Plan in place.
work had been done, the necessary municipal adoptions had not occurred
once FEMA Region III provided the normal FEMA “Approval Pending
Adoption” Letter.
– Please ensure all municipalities continue to get their municipal
adoptions into the county and FEMA Region III, to include the upcoming
County adoption in October. Thanks."
Thomas S. Hughes
PEMA State Hazard Mitigation Officer
Bureau of Recovery and Mitigation
Hazard Mitigation Division
PA Emergency Management Agency
2605 Interstate Drive | Hbg PA 17110
The future of Luzerne County is in the hands of the voters.
voters have a chance in the November General Election to select the
incumbents and those candidates who put public safety first and stop
County Manager Robert Lawton from crippling the area.
Re-elect Edd Brominski, Stephen A. Urban and Stephen J. Urban, incumbents who have voted against EVERY tax increase since the beginning of the new Home Rule Government.
- These incumbents opposed the elimination of the Homestead Tax Credit.
- These incumbents opposed the elimination of the Homestead Tax Credit.
These incumbents supported actions to replace County Manager Lawton who
has proven himself to be fiscally irresponsible four years in a row and
late with every important deadline designated in our Charter.
also ask voters to elect Mark Rabo and Ray Gustave who have dedicated
their time to attend County Council meetings and know the issues we
- They are the only candidates who have consistently researched the law and shared information at public meetings.
- Both gave excellent suggestions to County Council on important issues before Council took action.
Moving forward with leadership will take strong trustful individuals.
I place my faith and confidence in the people who really care.
Kathy Dobash
Luzerne County Council Member
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