Bush has been accused of many thing but this one takes the cake. From Yahoo News:
On September 25, 2005, in a startling speech at the University of Toronto that caught the attention of mainstream newspapers and magazines, Paul Hellyer, Canada's defense Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."
Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something."
Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, "The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."
Klaatu warned us not carry the weapons of war into space or face annihilation from the rest of the neighborhood. If the Vogans are really coming you want to drink a Pan Gallatic Gargle Blaster.
Oh brother....
Bill gave Monica a gargle blaster.
Grab your towel and stick a babel fish in your ear.
It feels like I had my brain smashed out by a wedge of lemon wrapped around a gold brick!
Alien invasion??!!?? SUddenly Al Qaeda don't look so bad, huh?
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