Sunday, July 22, 2007

Catching up

No papers or TV news for a week. We only watched the Weather Channel, Baseball and Sportscenter . I highly recommend it.

Now back to the world that we live in as Jennifer reminded me that Phils lost the 10,000th game when I was away. The Luzerne Co. commissioners hired two law firms to continue the pissing contest with the Lackawanna Co. Comish's over the baseball team. And Bob Cordaro is getting whacked again because he can't fill out some forms properly. Or maybe he doesn't want to. Bill Fitz is a big Ryan Howard fan but doesn't like soccer. "The MLS makes the WNBA seem like the NFL." Slobby calls out Hillary O. Edwards. Bernie defends the flag. Froth has had enough of the Star Spangled Banner getting murdered, Amen to that. Jane has a rundown of the 2nd quarter finance reports, I'll be looking at the 10th and 11th districts in the coming days. Another Monkey has some time on his hands and started a few more blogs. She who hunts Whales needs a vacation and Kat just got back from one. Green Dog dem figured out that Bush is pushing the end of the Iraq occupation on to the next guy. Randy and Rick are still MIA. Mark tells us about the latest Firehouse controversy in W-B that reminds me of Richard Nixon because it involves Ping Pong and politics. The Lu Lac picked up on my Chris Doherty speculation and found the Hot for Hillary video. Thanks for the link. John Micek has been freed from the hostage situation of the budget in Harrisburg. And Michael Vick endorsed Mitt Romney for President.

I brought back tee shirts for Brett and Patricia because they asked. You just have to come get them. Unlike some people I know I actually took the week off from the news and the Internet and enjoyed our time away. I think our ridiculous retriever (above) had the best time of all. More about him next Saturday.

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