Monday, July 23, 2007

David Madeira passes on 10th CD run

From GrassrootsPA:

After looking at the field of potential candidates very closely, I have decided not to run, but I am going to be involved and throw my full support behind an as-yet-unannounced candidate who meets all these criteria. He will be announcing in several weeks and I will publicly announce my support at that time. I will be working closely with him and will be asking you to join in our efforts to put our party back on track.
Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me to run and rest assured I will continue to fight for our values, just not as a candidate at this time.
Till next time…

I'm actually disappointed by this news. He impressed me with his performance last year in the 20th Senatorial District race by coming in a surprising 2nd. I disagree with Dr. Madeira on just about everything but admire his willingness to stick to his principles.

It looks like the field is being cleared for Hillary Clinton supporter Dan Meuser, Chairman and CEO of Pride Mobility. Hopefully Pride has fixed the defects in their products.

TPM Cafe: Meuser's company has settled a contentious lawsuit over the death of an elderly man using their wheelchair, in which plaintiffs alleged that a defective battery caused a fire. From the Monterey County Herald, January 9, 2007: "Had the case gone to trial, according to court records and statements in court, jurors may have heard evidence that Pride Mobility was aware of at least 18 other fires in its wheelchairs and scooters with identical battery packs since 2002. Ten of those fires destroyed dwellings and five were fatal." (From Nexis).

Nobody has ever accused Pride of any wrongdoing but the the power wheelchair business is a hotbed of Medicare fraud.

Mueser is probably the best candidate the GOP can find mainly because he can self-finance a campaign. If I remember right Don Sherwood spent over $2 million of his own money in his first run against Pat Casey. The state and national Republicans are going to need to spend money playing defense on seats held by Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach and Phil English in PA and other vulnerable incumbents across the country. He will need deep pockets as Chris Carney has raised $535,000 so far this year.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    i thought it was dan meuser

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It is Dan Meuser.
