Tuesday, September 11, 2007

PA 10th CD update

After a flurry of activity things have been kind of quiet. Only Don Ely and Chris Hackett have officially announced that they are running for the Republican nomination. Dan Meuser's legal troubles over exploding wheelchairs and a sexual harassment lawsuit along with his donations to Democrats provided some fun that I'm sure will be revisited as the campaign heats up. Joe Peters' "poll" gave everybody a nice chuckle. We've had a nice discussion in the comments about these and other pressing issues such as who is pro-life and when they got there, who actually lives in the district and a few swipes about marital status. Meanwhile incumbent Chris Carney is serving on active duty and is busy blowing up things in Iraq by remote control.

In an attempt to elevate the discussion I will be meeting with Chris Hackett on Thursday to discuss boring stuff like issues. I hope to talk with all the candidates before the primary. If anyone has any questions they would like me to ask Chris please leave them in the comments or send me an email. Be nice folks and please keep it clean.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Gort-- ask him how he feels about the prominent donors to his last campaign that want their money back because he hasn't been true to central democratic issues.

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM


    Full agreement here that the discussions were, if nothing else, entertaining, and will certainly get more interesting in the months to come.

    Ask Hackett to come clean about his connection to the democratic commissioners, and what part his donations to them played in getting a county contract.

    Ask him about his vision for the future, and how he will create something other than part time jobs.

    Remind him that full time, permanent,well paying jobs with benefits, the type that Dan Meuser has created, are very important right here in the Wyoming Valley.

    "Future former" congressman Carney is ready to be taken down, but this won't be a "slam dunk".

    Republicans need to be sure they have the right man for the job, one who has worked developing relationships with leaders here, and in Washington, one who has the right kind of experience to do the job, that man, the right man, is Dan Meuser.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Am I mistaken, I did not think that Hackett had run for office before? Please enlighten us

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I think the first anom thought gort was interviewing Chris Carney

    Kar, Is Dan Muser a better person than Hackett becuase his company creates better jobs? It is not the government's role to create jobs and i thought Dan agreed with that. maybe you do not.

  5. Anonymous11:19 AM


    I'm not talking about government created jobs, though God knows Hackett's good at that, at least on the local level.

    I'm talking about an individaul who has the vision, the smarts, the passion, and the ability to ensure that conditions will exist that permit healthy job creation in the private sector.

    In that area Meuser wins over Hackett hands down.

  6. Bill, you're right. It's not the government's place to create a job. It's their duty to create an atmosphere that encourages job growth and a better way of life for it's taxpayers.
    We are all in this together. Trying to make ends meet. I'd rather have a guy who encourages well paying jobs and benefits than one who prefers replacing long time workers with temps at lower pay. As the main bread winner supporting a family it scares me to death that Hackett's philosophy might grow and more people will lose their jobs to be replaced by outsourced temps. It wasn't so important when I was young and single but now that I'm responsible for my kids future it's a big deal.
    How would you feel about working your ass off for years and getting that modest raise every year only to get replaced when you start earning too much?
    And don't even get me started on his association with the Wilkes-Barre Chamber, the biggest culprit when it comes to keeping wages down in the area. Just ask Mohegan Sun what they wanted to pay and what the chamber told them they had to pay.

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Yes Chris Hackett and Dan Mueser belive the same thing low taxes less regualation
    I would like to see both committ to joining the Republican Study committee

  8. Anonymous2:56 PM


    You have me at a disadvantage, I'm not familair with the "Republican Study Committee", but I do know that Meuser signed a pledge to not raise taxes, pretty sure Hackett hasn't.

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Gort- He was asked about the war and he said that he wanted to concentrate on winning the war instead of getting out. My question" how many dead young men and woman do we need to lose in order to realize that we should change strategy?

  10. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Meeting and interviewing candidates?!? This blog gets better all the time. Thanks for the extra effort.

  11. Anonymous9:01 PM

    The Republican study committee is a group of the most fiscally conservative members of the house such as John Sheddeg, Trent Franks, Mike Pemce, ect. The group's big thing now a days is cutting wastefull spending, especially through earmarks. I think only a few of them lost in 2006 and a decent percenatge of the new GOP members joined them. the only PA member is Joe Pitts. Some good conservatives such as Peterson of Pa and minority leader bohner never joined, but a commitment to join would show someone who not only will cut taxes but cut spending. We do not want another don Sherwood who loved pork as much as Kanjo

  12. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Hi everyone this my first time posting here.

    As a young proffesional I am concerned to see that our elderly population is increasing while young people are leaving. Young people are going to college getting their degrees and not returning to the area. What will be Hackett's plan to get these young people to return to the area and to invest in the place where they grew up?

  13. Bman78, good question. I quess one possible answer from Chris could be "I'll offer everyone jobs as temps". Ok, just kidding. I digress.
    I have a question or two. #1. Have you been a consistent voter in the past?
    #2. You are obviously successful but have never donated signifigant amounts of money to any republicans. Yet you donated to Skrep and your business received a nice contract with the county. How will you try to gain support from those of us who always contribute to repulicans to advance our cause and now you want our support just to advance you personally?

  14. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I'd like to know how he can reconcile his strong support of the United Way (leading Touqueville campaign) and his pro life stand. Isn't Planned Parenthood a United Way partner. (I know United Way does wonderful things- I support it strongly but I'm not a pro life candidate)

  15. Anonymous2:36 PM

    yep, Hackett will help create plenty of minimum wage and temp jobs. and those good paying full time jobs with benefits he'll make sure get replaced by more temps. if you are a young professional get the heck out of here as fast as you can.............

  16. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Can you please ask Chris Hackett if he voted for Don Sherwood and his reasons if he did or didn't?
    Pretty Please???

  17. Anonymous5:46 PM

    1. You are stating that you are pro life- are there any exceptions you would accept for a woman to get an abortion?

    2. Has your company ever employed any illegal immigrants?

  18. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Did you vote for Don Sherwood or did you vote for Chris Carney because of what Sherwood did?

  19. Anonymous7:57 PM

    i think the better question would be did you vote for kathy Scott in the Republican primary?

  20. Anonymous8:15 PM

    1. You have been a successful businessman but you have never donated any significant amount to the Republican Party- this blog says $1,000. You however have donated $5,000 to Democrat Greg Skrepnak after your company was awarded a 1.2 million dollar contract from him. This looks and smells like 'pay to play"? How do you defend this contribution?

    2. Have you made other contributions to Democrats and if you have to whom?

  21. Anonymous8:31 PM

    This guy donates a ton to Democrats and I want to know who he voted for in this past election? My money is on Carney!!!
