Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Luzerne County prison

The prison board has declared a "state of emergency" because of the overcrowding at the Luzerne County Correctional Facility. It was prompted because prisons in other counties no longer have room for Luzerne County inmates. Another result of the so called war on drugs which now sees over 2 million people locked up every year in the US. In the 1970's the national prison population was about 200,000. The practical effect of the declaration is that warden will be able to award a no-bid contract to build a fence around the facility’s minimal-offenders unit.

The Commissioners are still looking at building a new lock-up that will cost at least $70-100 million that will have to be borrowed and Minority Commissioner Steve Urban thinks is too expensive. He wants to renovate the old juvenile detention building and use it as a women's prison to free up space at the main facility.

The prison Board also settled 2 lawsuits that resulted from the Hugo Selenski escape. After that fiasco Warden Gene Fischi and his Deputy Sam Hyder blamed it on underlings. The underlings objected to taking the blame and mouthed off to the press resulting in them getting fired. Call this a win for the 1st amendment that county taxpayers have to foot the bill because the top people wouldn't take responsibility for their actions. Maybe Fischi and Hyder have a future in the Bush Administration. And just to add to fun a guard has been granted medical leave because his dog suffered hearing damage.


  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    come one gort, the bush admin is dead, and fischi and hyder would have to change to r's and never work in luzerne county again...lol

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    the only way to get rid of them is to get rid of skrep.....

    the dolphins could use a lot of help, maybe we can get them to call him up

  3. As far as I'm concerned they can take a hike. I'm just trying to provide carrer counseling

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    the war on drugs is so 1985-1991, todays the war is against child molesters.

    I suggest we kill afew bird with a one stone. We get a five man team of some "non violent" drug offenders. We give them weekend leave, some toliet paper, a dozen eggs, a cheap motel room, and 3 addresses from the meghan's law website. if the Warden deiced they have been model prisoner they are let out on probation.

  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    if lupas would just put skrepnek and leighton and their buddies in jail for robbing us blind, this area would probably make a comeback.
    what makes me sick is my neighbors support the current nonsense.

  6. Anonymous6:35 PM

    aahh if lupas put them in jail and they were still on the ticket in novemeber, they would win reelection because all people do is pull straight democrat.

    this area will stay down as long as people vote for their individual interst and not for the good of the area
