Monday, October 15, 2007

The money primary: Carney and Kanjo edition part deux

With Hackett thrown in.

I got a piece of franked mail from PA CD-11 incumbent Paul Kanjorski that tells me about all the votes he has cast to oppose illegal immigration. Does Lou Barletta have him worried? Judging by his latest FEC filing probably not. He raised $368,792 this quarter and has $1.2 million cash on hand. For all the speculation that State Rep John Yudichak or Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty mounting a primary challenge stoked by me and others, it's not going to happen. And Barletta still has a $153,670 debt left over from his last run. Barletta is good at running up debt and by the time he gets done appealing the unconstitutional immigration ordinance Hazleton will be in the red for the next 20 years. I hope some Rebublican runs against Kanjo because I hate unopposed elections. Right now that looks unlikely.

Chris Carney has $589,268 cash on hand after raising $774,023. The thing that jumps out is the the NRCC has spent over $35,000 on negative ads against him. He has also received the PAC largess as has Kanjo.

Chriss Hackett is reporting $246,810 cash on hand with only $500 in expenditures. The numbers are a bit tempered when you see that $118,000 came from the candidate. But 100 grand from individual contributors in a month is impressive.

Dan Meuser announced after the filing deadline and it appears none of the other candidates have raised the required $5000 that obligates them to file.

Brett has the rundown on the rest of the PA delegation


  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    So Hackett pumps $100,000 into his warchest and Meuser is rumored to be willing to spend $1 million of his own money just in the primary after dropping $500,000 to buy a summer home/voing address in Harveys Lake. Must be nice to have that kind of spare change.

  2. Anonymous3:54 PM

    When it comes to either Hackett's or Meuser personal wealth, they earned it let them choose how they spend their money. Instead of learning from their example, anon chooses to whine because he/she doesn't have it. waah

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    DNC and nancy Pelosi already have operatives in town working for Carney. Carney accused Sherwood of taking money from PAC's and slammed him for it but now that is all he is taking. No money from district shows no support. The Republicans better put up a good candidate because Carney is vulnerable. Congress overall approval rating at 21%- This could be the year of the clean sweep- get em all out. That maybe the best answer yet so we can get something done in Washington.

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    spending 1 million is not realistic. The millionare exemption would be activated and you give your opponent the ability to raise alot more. Not a smart move.

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    i would say it is 50/50 and could come down to who is at top of the ticket. If it is Rudy/McCain v Hillary the Republcian wins, if it is Thompson v hillary I give slight edge to the Republcian and if it is Romeny v Hillary I give a slight edge to Careny. here is my rational. If the race was in Vacum the Republican would have a huge advantage, but then add Carney incumbent advangatage, but a smaller one becuase he isa freshmen.

    There is no state wide race so we go to the top. Rudy plays great in NEPA and think mccCian would too. Thompson would draw like Bush and Romeny would lose. We can safley declare hillary the Dem nominee and hell even president but of all the Dem candidates she plays best in NEPA except Joe Biden.if for some reaosn Obama or Edwards is the nominee Even Romeny may be able to defeat him and push the republican over Carney. Carney should be rooting for a Clinton Romney matchup, but i think he endorsed bloomberg wghixh shows how much of a loser he is.

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    If Hillary runs then every Republican will come out and vote. She is just so polarizing and Carney will lose.

  7. Anonymous6:51 PM

    hillary has local ties in nepa, and that will outweigh alot, her family has a presence in the 10th so all republicans who think that Hil on the top of the ticket will hurt carney should think about waking up....... hil's folks will turn this into one of her hometowns and people around here will vote for her because they think, think, she will care about them

  8. Anonymous6:27 PM

    From Carney's website...... Congressman Chris Carney in Snyder County with friends and constituents hunting for pheasants, quail and partridge. When asked if he would like ear plugs, Congressman Carney answered "we don't use earplugs in the military."

    What a complete tool. THat is the silliest remark ever. I hope Metwalli didn't plant that for him because if she did she should be fired. If one of the Dem operatives set that up the GOP should hope they stay in the district. Quotes like that will only help Meusers run.. In the military we don't use earplugs lol...
