Monday, October 15, 2007

What's your sign, part II

It seems to be an annual ritual around here. Some candidate complains his signs are being stolen or is this just a case of overzelous Wilkes-Barre DPW workers removing them from public property far and wide.

Candidate: Hundreds of signs are stolen

The Democratic candidate for Luzerne County sheriff said hundreds of his campaign signs were stolen Saturday night or early Sunday.
Mike Savokinas, who said his signs are missing, estimates cost of the lost signs to be between $2,000 and $5,000.

This sort of juvenile nonsense happens every election, I've even seen it with my own eyes.

In the continuing Times-Leader series of candidate inquisitions it was W-B Council District A hopefuls turn.

Walter Griffith touts his 10 point plan and said he said he applauds the job done by Mayor Thomas Leighton. That's a first.

His opponent Rick Cronauer promises to make the city better but if after four years he feels he hasn’t succeeded, he will pull up stakes and accept failure. While that is refreshingly honest it's going to take a long time to fix the problems of W-B or any other small city in PA.


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Here is the deal, I was at a fundraiser Friday night at Savokinas's dad's place in Pittston. There were a boatload of people there. I was there actually having dinner with my wife. When I asked what all the fuss was about, they stated it was a fundraiser for Michael as he was running for sheriff. I did go to school with him. I know he is a hard worker. There were over 100 people there supporting him. I think he is going to take the upcoming election. Everyone had great things to say about the guy and stated he has a huge following. Hope he wins.

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    What place is that?

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    hey all, I reviewed this guys campaign site, he has a great record.

    Check it out.

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    also, I was at the same party, what a hit, the place was packed. I think he will give this stankus guy a run for his money. Oh, I believe someone wanted to know where the fund raiser was, it was at Savo's Pizza

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Cronauer will bail after four years...?

    All Leighton needs is another crony for four years, so he can deliver the death blow to the taxpayers.

    C'mon, seriously, Cronauer's daughter is married to one of Leighton's incredibly overpaid assistants. Cronauer casts one wrong vote against the mayor's plan, and his daughter is looking for a new way to pay the mortgage.

    A vote for Cronauer is an acknowledgment that one has no clue how city hall has been operating during the Leighton admin.
