Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Election day in PA, I voted

The polling place was calmer than the primary with only 3 poll workers but signs for everyone running. We were voters number 300 and 301 out of almost 1000 at about 4PM. Maybe by the closing of the polls at 8PM half the voters might show up which is considered a good turnout for a local election.
I voted for some Dems and some Republicans. In the choice for a new Judge of the Court of Common Pleas I tested the write-in function. Dave Lupas will forever tied to Hugo Selenski in my mind so I typed in Hugo for Judge. It is so easy to do a write-in or type -in I think more under the radar candidates will emerge in the local primaries.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Yeah, split my ticket, too. I also wrote in against Lupas - myself. That guy couldn't judge 'best crayon scribble by a toddler' at the county fair, and he damn sure shouldn't be deciding anyone's fate. Gave one of my commissioner votes to Urban and threw the other one away, as the other three were all on the same team. Looks like four more years of the same sh*t in Wilkes-Barre and Luzerne County. Watch out - if you feel something funny in your pants it is more than likely Skrep reaching for your wallet.

    7 out of 10 people in Wilkes-Barre like hostile government, high taxes, government secrecy, and lying politicians. No wonder I feel so out of place.
