Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mixed messages

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta is back in the news again which is not surprising being the media whore that he is. A few days ago he endorsed Dan Meuser in the 10th CD race and now he is complaining about a piece of franked mail that Congressman Kanjorski sent out a few months ago. When he endorsed Meuser I thought it was a sign that he was not going to run against Kanjo as one of the rules of running for office is that you don't get involved in other peoples arguments because you don't want to alienate the supporters of the candidates that you don't back.
Now he sounds like a candidate for Congress in the 11th District again. "This mailing was prepared, published and mailed at taxpayer expense.” Barletta said the current members of Congress spent $20.3 million last year for these mailings. “There is no need to use taxpayer dollars to send out your own political campaign mailings,” Barletta said. “They should be paid with campaign funds.”
Kanjo's new ace press secretary Abigail McDonough passed on Kanjo's scathing rebuttal: “Mr. Barletta’s criticism of using public dollars for this issue is quite curious coming from someone who used the Hazleton City treasury as a political piggy bank to advance his own career.”
Dr. Joe tells us Why Lou Barletta Should Not Run For Congress and Capitol Ideas puts Barletta's announcement in terms we can all understand:
Votantes El Hispanico De la Atención.
Alcalde de Hazleton, Lou Barletta, ha endosado a hombre de negocios Dan Meuser para el Congreso en la 10th raza del districto para el nombramiento Republicano,segun el Times-Leader de Wilkes-Barre. Meuser es uno de cinco candidatos al nombramiento. Los otros son Chris Hackett, Donald Ely, Paul Swiderski y Davis Haire. El titular Chris Carney es el Demócrata solitario en la raza. Carney derrotado pone Don Sherwood en 2006, terminando el asimiento de 44-year del partido republicano en el asiento. Barletta dicho su decisión a Meuser trasero no se debe interpretar como declaración contra cualesquiera de los otros candidatos Republicanos, segun el Times-Leader. "Sé que Dan personalmente y yo lo consideramos un amigo," jueves dicho Barletta. "Esto no se significa para colocar las calificaciones de cualquier persona." Barletta dijo lo y Meuser sentados abajo en octubre para discutir las ediciones y el Meuser pedidos la ayuda del alcalde. "Tenía una oportunidad de hablar con él en ediciones como seguridad de la patria y la inmigración ilegal," Barletta dijo. "Estoy satisfecho con sus posiciones y creo que convenimos en la dirección que quisiéramos ver el país ir


  1. I'm not dead, Gort. My webhost is having issues. Just thought I'd let you know!

  2. Good news Michelle. Your one of my first reads evetyday.

  3. Michelle,

    Toss me an email. We have a project.

  4. Michelle,

    I didn't get it. Maybe it got caught in the spam filter. Try again the address is :

  5. Sent the email. This time to the *ahem* correct address. Hey, I'm blonde and polish what can I say!
