Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Our problems are not Black and White

A More Perfect Union

Barrack Obama talks about race.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    One has to wonder if the critique of Obama is a load of media hype. Let us think for one moment--the country is in a mess both domestically and foreign policy wise. Gas is 4 bucks a gallon; His Holiness paid nearly 600 bucks to fill his oil tank at the Vatican; banks are being bailed out by the govt.; a recession to rival the post WWII one is looming. Does anyone truly believe that if Obama is nominated that people in dire straits are going to vote for a guy who pretty much promises to continue on the path downward which we are presently on??? Sen. McCain is "Bush the Sequel". If working class folks in MI, OH, and our beloved PA who are struggling to make ends meet vote for McCain it would pretty much be unbelievable. But it it did happen and we do have a sequel for the next four years, then I guess they all deserve what comes around. I have more faith that people will vote their wallets and not against someone because he has a crazy preacher. God Bless.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Completely off of the subject but one question:
    Why in this age where more $$$ than ever is being spent on Presidential campaigns is it impossible to locate FREE campaign buttons at local headquarters{s} Republican and Democrat??? All that seem to be available are silly stick on buttons. if you want a legitemate button you have to shell out some bucks. In the old days all you had to do was visit a campaign headquarters and there were literally jars full of buttons (and not just one type) which you could take for free. SOrry for the rant.
