Saturday, May 10, 2008

YouTube weekend

This is for my friend Ed who claimed to have a trained goldfish which was met with derision by many of us. It looks like he may have been right.

Trained Goldfish does the Limbo!

Trained Goldfish Plays Soccer


  1. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Thanks Gort, I forgot all about that. LMAO almost as much as that night he told us about that at the bar.

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Oh yee of little faith. When I was driving home from work on Wednesday night and heard Coast to Coast about a trained goldfish, I thought about Ed and how nobody belived him. I couldn't wait to look at the website and see this fish. I had Gort sign on and check it out. It is so awesome. There are some people that owe Ed an apology.

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The Sordoni's, Flack's, Solano, et al have plenty of these. Just ask Senators Baker and Lemmond
