Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A Correction

From a sharp eyed reader.

Hey Gort, I know you were probably going off of the article in the Times-Leader when you stated on your blog that Cong. Carney is "One of only two Members of Congress serving in uniform in the reserves...";however, that is factually incorrect. Carney and Kirk may be the only two Member of the U.S. House serving in uniform, but Sen. Lindsey Graham is also a reservist with the USAF Reserves


My apologies to Senator Graham for the omission.

From his bio:

Since 1995, Graham has continued to serve his country in the U.S. Air Force Reserves and is the only U.S. Senator currently serving in the Guard or Reserves. He is a colonel and is assigned as a Senior Instructor at the Air Force JAG School.

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