Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Carney taking fire from both sides

Washington, D.C.--Congressman Christopher Carney received word this week that he has been promoted from Lieutenant Commander to the rank of Commander in the United States Navy Reserve. One of only two Members of Congress serving in uniform in the reserves, Congressman Carney has been in the Navy Reserves since 1995 when he was commissioned as an Ensign. Carney was activated for Operations Southern Watch, Noble Eagle, and Enduring Freedom.
I hope the Navy provided him with a flack jacket because he needs one.
The Chris Hackett camp sent out a release today pointing out that he is having a big-dollar fundraising breakfast hosted by a Washington, DC lobbying firm whose major clients include the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, which has fought for placing tolls on Interstate I-80. The implication is that Carney is for tolling I-80 even though he is on the record as being opposed to it.
On the same day that David Urban, the former chief of staff to Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), is hosting the fundraiser for Rep. Chris Carney the GOP is having a shindig that includes Chris Hackett. The event is part of the Republican scheme called Regain Our Majority Program (ROMP) and TPM points out that Hackett is one of only two challengers that is listed on the program. I haven't seen the guest list for this event but I'm willing to wager a box of donuts that 5, 10, 50 or a few hundred lobbyist will be in attendance.
Carney and Rep. Paul Kanjorski have been the target of robo calls and radio ads from an outfit called Freedom Watch which distorts the energy issue. They think we can just drill our way out of this mess. Another outfit called Freedom Works is planning to attend Carney's next town hall meeting:
Representative Carney from PA will be making a Town Hall appearance on July 14. Also in attendance is local Freedom Works members from PA. They will be critiquing Carney on his support of the Mortgage Bailout Bill. Carney claims to be a Blue Dog Democrat, who espouse fiscal responsibility. Yet this bill raises the Federal deficit by $22 billion dollars. They will ask him what the deal is.
Does every Republican front have Freedom in it's name?
July 14, 2008 @ 10:00 am

WHERE: Middle Creek Community Center
67 Elm St .
Beaver Springs , PA
On the other side Blue America PAC is still going after Carney over the FISA issue but this time strips any reference to my favorite cable company, Comcast. Who's trimming their sails now Howie? The last round of ads fell on deaf ears and was a big waste of money. If you want to meddle in Pennsylvania politics maybe you could put the money where it would do more good like shoring up Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak or Allyson Schwartz.
I've suggested a campaign song for Carney:


Washington, D.C. Congressman Christopher P. Carney has issued the following statement opposing tolls for Interstate 80 in Pennsylvania.

"I oppose tolling I-80. While Pennsylvania roads and bridges are in need of repair, tolling places an undue burden on families, small businesses and local manufacturers. As we grow Pennsylvania's economy, we must do so in away that does not undercut our local economic base."

"There is clearly a critical need to rebuild the infrastructure in Pennsylvania, our roads and bridges are in dire need of repair. I look forward to working with our Governor to make sure that Pennsylvania transportation needs are being met."


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Congratulations to CDR Carney. Only one thing, last time I saw him he appeared to be a little overweight to be a naval officer. Perhaps he should cut the pork from his diet and loose a few.

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    R O M P couls also stand for "Retain Our Minority Program"

  3. Republican Fronts with Freedom, hmmmmm I would say because most of them lack substance below the surface.

  4. Anonymous5:40 PM

    It must frustrate the Hackett camp that one of David Urban's partners was once a Sherwood operative who had a huge impact in 1998 and 2000.

    Wasn't the Club for Growth's mass appeal to its membership to send money to Team Hackett a special-interest driven fundraiser too?
