Thursday, August 14, 2008

Harveys Lake wants to secede


Harveys Lake has always been a swanky address with many very nice homes. Even Dan Meuser bought a voting address there. Like many of us who have been paying less property taxes than we should have for years the residents of the borough are dealing with sticker shock resulting from the first reassessment since 1965 and they don't like it. With some exceptions I feel if that if you can afford a house at the "lake" you should be able to pay the taxes.
From the CV: The Pennsylvania Constitution says, “The electors of any municipality shall have the right, by initiative and referendum, to consolidate, merge and change boundaries by a majority vote of those voting thereon in each municipality, without the approval of any governing body.”
I've never heard of a town switching counties.
TL: State Rep. Karen Boback, who serves Harveys Lake and portions of Luzerne and Wyoming counties, said Kelly asked her to look into the legalities. She said she couldn’t find anything on topic.
“That’s something the law doesn’t directly address,” she said.


  1. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Does this mean that Skrep is Lincoln and Petrilla is Stanton? Will Savokinas be McClellan?

  2. I'm annoyed with this. Beyond words.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Boback is a dumb as a box of hammers. Where's her usual can't we all just get along and have a committee study?
