Friday, October 10, 2008

YouTube weekend

Bill Ayers is not going to fill your gas tank.

Some talking head (strategist)on TV today said that because the Weather Underground was in the news so long ago that the people who remember that time will confuse them with the Velvet Underground.

I think Mrs Rain Man will like this song

The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting For The Man


  1. Too bad Sarah Palin doesn't listen too All Things Considered. She would have known about Bill Ayers back in August...

    New Ads Rip Obama, But Democrats Fight Back - by Peter Overby, All Things Considered, August 27, 2008

    ...or in April...

    Weather Underground Resurfaces in Campaign - All Things Considered, April 18, 2008

  2. Anonymous1:44 AM

    I figure a Weather Report reference would have been too obscure for this crowd.
