Saturday, November 01, 2008



  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I am very concerned about this election. For some reason something came to light in my mind tonight. What if, God forbid, McCain is elected and something happens to him during his term and Palin becomes the President? I think it will be the end of the world as we know it. We will be bombarded with nuclear weapons from any country that hates us. I do not think she can deal with our enemies, since she doesn't want to sit down at the table with them. Didn't anyone watch the "Godfather"? Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. She doesn't have a clue. OBAMA DOES! McCain met Palin twice. What does that tell you? Is he desperate? Why won't they let her do a press conference? She doesn't even know what the vice-president's job is. Vote for Obama,--he's the best choice for this country. Do you want to see 4 more years of the past 8? I hope not. Make the right choice. Vote DEMOCRATIC! It will help your wallet and get this country back on the right track. Let's stop the government from invading our privacy. WE NEED CHANGE. VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA ON NOVEMBER 4TH. !!!I

  2. Amen Mrs. G.
    She makes me very nervous....
