Saturday, November 01, 2008

This is unfair

But I love it. She doesn't get it.

Sarah Palin Prank Call with 'Nicolas Sarkozy' - Hilarious!


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    It might be unfair, but it hilarious. It's also quite scary. She just doesn't have a clue. Do we really want to see her in the White House?

    Michelle, I hope you find it as amusing and scary as I do.

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    The President of France calls her. He talks about hunting from a helicopter, loves to kill animals, doesn't want Dick Cheney to hunt with them (hint hint), uses incorrect names of Canadian political figures, asks her if "Joe the Plumber" is her husband and compliments her on the documentary of her life, "Nailin' Palin" (and she thanks him for the compliment) and McCain wants her in the White House?!? Pretty creepy. I just can't belive she didn't get it.

  3. Anonymous6:12 PM

    What a sad comment on how poorly run her campaign is. What if they said it was Putin and he was launching a missle? She calls W in a panic saying we have to retaliate?
    She is definitely not ready for prime time...
