Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tweety for Senate

I still think that Chris Matthews is using this possible Senate run as a negotiating ploy in his contract talks with MSNBC. But if he did make it to the Senate it would make C-SPAN a lot more entertaining. Will the gentleman yield? NO I WILL NOT. Let alone when he would be the presiding officer.

Now they are even polling the possibility. From TPM:

The new numbers from Public Policy Polling (D): Specter 40%, Matthews 27%, and a very high 33% undecided.

The internals have good news and bad news for both candidates. Specter is below 50%, a bad place for an incumbent, but he's grabbing 30% of Democrats and a 41%-28% plurality among independents, indicating that he's able to draw some crossover support like he usually has in his previous races. If he can solidify the 32% of undecided GOP voters, he would basically have it made.

He might even be serious about this as he told the Colbert Report in the spring:

"Some kids wanted to be a fireman. I wanted to be a Senator."

My blog buddie Alex has some thoughts on the possibility; that there are people in Pennsylvania who would reflexively vote a) against a Republican or b) against Arlen Specter?
Stunning. I had no idea. Really. None. What. So. Ever. None.

Then there is the residency issue. I don't know where Matthew's votes but he has been in Washington for a long time. Rick Santorum got beat up because he really lived in Virginia but I'm sure Chris can buy a voting address in the Commonwealth. There might be a $500,000 fixer-upper for sale out at Harveys Lake that he could move into. But if he is really serious about running for Senator in PA he should buy Joe Biden's old house in Scranton.


  1. I can think of at least five better Democratic candidates for senate off the top of my head:

    Pat Murphy
    Allyson Schwartz
    Joe Hoeffel
    Joe Sestak
    Ed Rendell

  2. Allyson for Senate!!!!

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    i like pat murphy. it would be great to have a king's college alum in the US senate. but 2010 would be too soon for a senate race, especially going against specter. he's young enough to wait it out a few years.

  4. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Simply because Matthews has a great knowledge of politics does not in itself imply that he would be electable. He would most certainly come across to Joe Six Pack and Molly Soccer Mom as overbearing and rude--I respect his abilities as a broadcaster, but the guy tends to be unlikeable and that is the kiss of death in politics. Besides, assuming that he would run as a Democrat it would be useless to debate this issue, as 2010 will be a Republican year.

  5. Hey Gort don't dump on Harveys Lake. My grandmother and aunt lived there. If it was good enough for Morgans it's good enough for Tweety.

  6. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Another carpetbagger.

  7. Matthews is the man who ruined Carter. He was writting those awful speeches that mad Ronald (Screw the poor) Ray-gun popular.
