Sunday, April 05, 2009

Alice Coffman has a website

Alice B. Coffman, CPA for Luzerne County Controller

A CPA for controller. What a novel idea.

I am announcing my intention to seek the Republican nomination for the vacant seat of county controller in the May primary. I feel my experience in public accounting for the past sixteen years will serve as a valuable asset to the citizens of Luzerne County.
I am very disheartened by the inappropriate behavior recently uncovered within our local government. The citizens of Luzerne County have the right to expect the highest level of professional conduct from their elected officials. Holding one another accountable comes partly from a system with checks and balances. The weaknesses in the current accounting and internal control systems are quite evident.
If elected, my immediate intentions are to perform audits of various county programs seeking inefficiencies and discrepancies and to implement and enforce internal control procedures to deter future misconduct and wasteful spending.


  1. Anonymous6:34 AM

    If the rest of the republicans really want the most qualified person in the position they will step aside and clear the way for Alice.

  2. Not just step aside and clear the way, but do something unprecedented: actively support their own candidate.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    the luzerne republican party support a republican... go on... find out how much there big money guys gave to kanjo and other dems over the years...
