Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I paid my property taxes today

I even paid them early to get the 2% discount. Some people don't have to bother with such things.

Restaurateur owes about $140,000 in back property taxes

Robert S. Jabers, owner of the Saber Room Restaurant in Wilkes-Barre, and his company, Excalibur Development Corp., owe about $140,000 in unpaid property taxes, interest and delinquency fees to the county, city and the Wilkes-Barre Area School District, tax claim records reveal.The Saber Room on Butler Street — the site of many fundraisers, political gatherings and election parties over the years — has a delinquent tax bill of more than $16,500, and the bill for Jabers’ home on Marjorie Avenue in Wilkes-Barre is almost $36,000. Unpaid taxes on Jabers’ properties date back to 2004, and the county could have listed them for tax claim sales in 2006 and 2007.

This guy can't pay his taxes on time but was able to drop $3,250 on various local political campaigns and some campaigns spent $21,772 on 17 Saber Room events since 2000. His donations include $500 to the Commissioner campaign of Maryanne Petrilla and Greg Skrepenak two years ago.

Various officials were asked by Michael Buffer why his properties weren't put up for Sheriff's sale and he got the usual non-answers.

"That I have no idea. … Sometimes things were crossed out of sales by a higher authority"-Mary Dysleski

“I shiver to think how many there were.”- Maryanne Petrilla

“I couldn’t answer the question”- Sam Diaz

I know we all have to pay our taxes but I would feel better if I thought that my money was being spent prudently and everybody was paying their fair share.


  1. Well, it looks like we don't all have to pay our taxes.

    Coincidentally, I paid may Nanticoke real estate taxes today - the discount period ends in a week. The county discount period is for another month, I think.

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Its time to start sending more people to scranton

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Kinship Square whats the deal with them property changes hands taxes not paid is this legal who did the closing

  4. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Isnt this the same Jabers that worked feverishly for Mikey Savokinas, the Sheriff????

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    There are some bad title companies out there

  6. Gort: Something is radicallty wrong with us. Dare I say we are doofuses or plural doo fie. And what is insane is that no one in the county owns up to it or takes responsibility. But if you or I or some other unconnected shmoe were even a minute late, the police tape would be around the house.

  7. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Yes, Jabers supprted the Sheriff. What' your point???

  8. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Jabers' place makes a damn tasty meal, though.

  9. One of the things that amazed me when I moved to the Keystone State was that you could get a mortgage without having the mortgage company pay the property taxes and require that you maintain an escrow account as part of your mortgage payment.

    My property taxes are paid by my mortgage company.
