Sunday, April 19, 2009

Corey O'Brien for Congress?

A few weeks ago I was contacted by an outfit called Accountability Now who wanted to know if I knew of someone that would be willing to take on Congressman Paul Kanjorski in the Democratic primary next time out. I told them I thought it would be a suicide mission for any sitting office holder but threw out a few names of politicians that might be interested in going to Washington if and when Kanjo retired. Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty, former W-B state Rep Kevin Blaum and Nanticoke's JohnlYudichak came to mind.

This past week a few people have told me that Lackawanna County Commissioner Corey O'Brien is gearing up for a primary challenge to Kanjo in 2010 for the 10th CD seat. . In fact I have found out that Jimmy Siegel, a big Democratic media gun, has been contacted by O'Brien. I'm not still convinced that O'Brien will make the race. I sent an email to him asking for comment. If he answers I will let you know.

Update: Corey got back to me. He neither confirmed or denied my report. We will get together later this week. I asked him if he was running for Congress and he said "I am seriously considering it.

Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    O'Brien is probably the only one who could take on Kanjorski. He has the resume, looks and fundraising ability. If this is true, that should be a crazy race...

  2. The Purple Cobra2:11 AM

    Siegel is probably the best in the business right now. The Gillibrand campaign ad with David Strathaim is incredible. If true, this would be pretty interesting.

  3. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Corey is a friend and would make a great congressman. I hope he runs and wins, and win he should if the primary is a two-man race against Kanjo. My concern is with a larger field. Chris Doherty is an x-factor as well.

  4. O"Brien entering the race is no surprise. He has been making overtures about Kanjorski and potential opponents to others who I want to keep anonymous at this time. Chris Doherty shouldn't be Mayor of Scranton let alone a Congressman. He likes picking low hanging fruit. If he was any type of leader Scranton would be out of Act 47 now. Staying in 47 is a safe bet chosen by the weak,epecially when you consider they entered it in 2002. Read this Times Tribune article on it.

    As I reported before, I was told that Doherty was supressing the reality of gangs in Scranton. It took almost a year but it

    Despite the amount of money poured into Scranton it still looks like a dump. Most of the better retail activity has occured in Dickson City, not Scranton City proper although a small part of the Viemont Mall is techincally located in Scranton.

    When choosing a college look at the environment for the University of Scranton and that at St. Joseph's University, both Jesuit schools. The choice is pretty obvious for a prospective college student at the same expense.

    With the marketing of Kanjo these days do you think he is worried? You betcha.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Gort, you can bet your lilly white butt that O'Brien is running against Kanjo. O'Brien's been angling for something big for years. I don't know what talent he thinks he has (none is apparent), but he thinks he's the man. We'll see!

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Talent? Not being a crooked thief would be a major upgrade over that liar.

  7. Gort
    When Kanjo cleaned up in Lackawanna county against Barletta, I wrote Kanjo made deal with O'Brien. In return, Kanjo would back O'Brien when Kanjo stepped down
    Joe V

  8. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Corey O'Brien has no chance of winning. Luzerne County will go for Kanjo, and Corey O'Brien doesn't have a prayer in Lackawanna. He doesn't have the backing of those closest to him. He is referred to as Bobby, Jr. on the sixth floor...a reference to his arrogant predecessor - Bob Cordaro. I hear Evie McNulty, Corcoran, even Washo can't stand this guy. He loses in the primary and is passed over as Washo's running mate. Game, set, match, and he goes back to practicing law.

  9. Anonymous10:52 PM


    It is true that he is not liked at all by the people who work for him, but Joe Corcoran has very little clout and Evie is also a joke. Neither one likes him but neither one makes a difference. Washo prefers Corey to other alternatives-he is a lot better than Evie would have been-but Washo does not want Corey to run. Washo is afraid Harry McGrath, also known as "I will do anything the school directors tell me to do because they control my ENTIRE income", might push some nitwit in 2011 (like Evie or Tom Gilbride-who is even worse than Evie) if Corey wins and has to resign as commissioner. Here is my prediction: Corey runs but so do a bunch of other names and Kanjo lives on. IF CHRIS DOHERTY GETS IN THE RACE, COREY HAS NO SHOT.

  10. Does it matter to Pennsylvania Democrats that Corey's another anti-Choice social conservative? Or am I wrong about that?

  11. Tickled By The Feather1:05 AM

    Why do some people have a hard-on for Chris Doherty? He's a tax raising, debt creating lightweight. He has absolutely no clue what is going on in terms of foreign policy, financial markets.

    O'Brien is a hardworker, he seems like the kind of guy who will knock every door and literally outwork anyone else in the race. He's got my vote.

  12. Tickled:

    I am not a Doherty fan but you think COREY O'BRIEN knows what is going on in terms of "foreign policy, financial markets?"

    Rocket scientist, he is not. The smarted local pol is Mayor Jim Haggerty. Frankly, Kanjo may be second. Corey O'Brien is in Lou Barletta territory.

  13. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Kanjo voted to limit patient access to health care inspite of State laws, e.g. OK allows optometrist to perform laser surgery. Yet, Kanjo voted in favor of a bill limiting Veteran Affairs doctors: ( Kanjo is marching in lock step with Obama, i.e. more Federal involvement = limited access to health care (Why? So he can bring home the pork to his nephew rather than doing the right thing). He may vote to limit the scope of practice for podiatrist, nurse practioners, occupational therapist, physical therapist, social workers and others just to grow the Federal government.

    Good Luck Mr. O'Brien
    (Be a Democrat for the people rather than for big government.)
