Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Idiot watch

From the Times-Tribune

Naked woman assaults firefighter, starts blaze while heating chicken wings

Firefighter John Judge was attempting to clear people out of a smoky, second-floor apartment at 1540 Wyoming Ave. on Saturday about 10:30 p.m. when he was confronted by a naked Amanda Masker, 27, police said. When Mr. Judge told her to get clothes and get out, Ms. Masker cursed at him, pushed him and then struck him in the chest with her fists, police said. Mr. Judge escorted the struggling woman downstairs, where she was arrested by officers who were called to assist.

For the record, I have never tried to cook wings or anything else without at least wearing an apron and I always cite my sources.


  1. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Do all NEPA bloggers serve up sexism with their commentary? In other places in the nation, publishing such a photo would mean a blogger's political analysis would no longer be taken seriously. Here in good ole NEPA, it guarantees kudos and recognition from good ole boy blogger buddies.

  2. Is it only in NEPA were people freak out over a picture of a woman in a skimpy apron? I'm sure Gort would've used a picture of a guy in a revealing apron if the naked cook was male. Chill.

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Have you considered how many sexist images and stereotypes, both overt and subtle, are found throughout NEPA's political blogs?

    Can you direct me to a NEPA political blogger who values diversity and equity -- racial, gender, sexual orientation or otherwise?

    I'll watch for that gratuitious photo of a nearly naked man....

  4. Well Anon I looked for a picture of Skrep or Atty. Peter Moses in a speedo but came up empty. This is the best I could do.

    Who are these good ole boy blogger buddies of which you speak?

  5. I think that if you're so concerned with sexism in NEPA blogs, then you should start one of your own.

    Or perhaps you should find yourself a list of everything you find sexist because you seem to take issue with everything.

    And the NEPA blogosphere is connected in a conspiracy to perpetuate sexism? Watch out guys...

  6. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I seem to have struck a nerve of defensiveness here, which was not my intention. I am a fan of political blogs, a regular reader of many of national and state scope and all ideologies. The most credible among these simply don't take detours into old school characterizations of women, as many local blogs do. Far from objecting to "everything", I've never before pointed out what I've observed for years about NEPA political blogs. I try to learn what I can, and wince when I encounter these unfortunate distractions. In this instance, the photo was simply unnecessary, presumably used as an attempt at titillating humor(pun intended...)on the same page as a breaking announcement about Corey O'Brien's potential run for Congress. The fact that a similar photo of a male cannot be found proves my point, doesn't it? I didn't claim that NEPA political blogs consitute a "conspiracy" --- instead most are an accurate yet dispiriting reflection of prevailing values, attitudes and political life in NEPA. Few thoughtful change agents dwell here? I'm certain many men and women would join me in welcoming solid political analysis of the region, including the impact of cronyism and political $$$ that often exclude women and people of color from important decision-making roles. Sorry I don't have the focused writing skills or time to produce such a blog. That doesn't stop me from wishing someone else did...

  7. Attorney from Dallas10:29 PM

    I loved the picture. Go Gort!

  8. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I love it. The liberal, union loving, don't step on the little guy, equal rights, and welfare wanting blog gets a taste of what political correctness is like.
